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Historic Participation Data (2003-2013)

In addition to GLOBE's automated participation data system, the program also houses historical participation data from 2003-2013. The data in the table below represents GLOBE participation metrics collected prior to the current database and collection system. Keep in mind that the particular metrics tracked for historical data slightly differ from the current collection methodology and may not be suitable for direct comparison with GLOBE's current tracking system.

How to Interpret GLOBE Historical Data

The data below details the number of schools, teachers and students in the K-12 classroom setting. These participants both received NASA-affiliated GLOBE training and participated in data collection during years 2003-2011.

The GLOBE Program can confidently report the number of teachers trained by the GLOBE community each year, however, GLOBE can not determine the degree of student participation. This uncertainty is due to many unknown variables, for example, whether each GLOBE teacher is instructing a single classroom of students or is responsible for multiple classrooms. Due to these factors, exact student participation statistics may change over the course of the year.

The number of participating students is estimated by assuming that teachers only work with one classroom of students, using 25 students as the average classroom size. Keep in mind that this approach results in a conservative estimate of student participation in The GLOBE Program, as such, the actual number of participating students may be higher than what is reported below. 

Note: The green cells in the table indicate a switch on 30 June 2012 to the current GLOBE database and new methodologies of metric gathering. The blue cells for fiscal year 2013 in the table indicate the migration of schools and teachers to the new GLOBE database.  

Student Impact Table

Fiscal Year
United States International
Teachers K-12 Schools Students Teachers K-12 Schools Students
2003 1943 1146 48575 301 290 7525
2004 2299 1222 57475 701 637 17525
2005 1983 1210 49575 678 545 16950
2006 3398 1421 84950 579 430 14475
2007 5827 2018 145675 674 528 16850
2008 7265 1664 181625 735 561 18375
2009 5475 1465 136875 484 393 12100
2010 1078 646 26950 229 131 5725
2011 1200 472 30000 338 250 8450
2012 1422 362 23926 250 379 11410
2013 14122 832 322950 494 2974 59150