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RE: Solar Eclipse in Waynesboro, PA

Todd Toth, modified 6 Years ago.
Youngling Post: 1 Join Date: 12/6/11 Recent Posts
I will help host a solar Eclipse Event at the Renfrew Park and Museum (Waynesboro, PA) August 21st. Along with a number of events run by the park & museum staff I will hold a GLOBE training session covering Clouds, Air Temperature, Barometric Pressure, and the GLOBE Eclipse Data Entry App. The training session will consist of a pre-session, current session and post session to learn how to use the equipment, view eclipse, gather data, upload data and review data. The Renfew staff have already started planning and advertising the event.
Wanda Hathaway, modified 6 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 3 Join Date: 6/7/16 Recent Posts
Looks like you have the perfect timing for training sessions.   I wish you great succes the busy exciting eclipse day.