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Task 3 for Schools: My Green Down Data

Lenka Kleger, modified 5 Years ago.
Jedi Council Member Posts: 87 Join Date: 7/27/17 Recent Posts
Dear All,

Thank you for your messages at the discussion forum! It is great to see your beautiful pictures and to know that your autumn phenology observations are in full swing.
From your news, I can see that leaves on your trees are already changing color. It is a good time to look at Task 3  - My Green Down Data and start entering your data into the GLOBE database. I believe that you will find it easy with help of Data Upload Guide that we prepared for you. In this task, you will also try some of the awesome things you can do with the GLOBE Visualization Tool.

Task 3 should be completed by December 3.
Enjoy colorful autumn days and have fun visualizing and comparing your data. And thank you for sharing your graphs in the Discussion forum!

Task 3 – My Green Down Data

1) Upload your data to globe.gov website
To share the data with other schools and see a graph of your leaf changing color over time, upload the data to the GLOBE website. It is not complicated, just give it a try.
  • Follow the guide we prepared for you.
  • You need the data that you collected at Task 1 and 2.

2) See the graph of your tree color change at the GLOBE Visualization tool
  • Once your data are uploaded, you can see a graph of leaf color change and print it out

3) Compare your data to the data of another school at the GLOBE Visualization tool
  • Filter out the Green Down data from schools in your country or any other location
  • Compare the same species and see if the date of last leaf lost was the same
  • Ask students to come with a hypothesis why the last leaf lost date differs. Let them find out more about the specific conditions of the site where the tree grows (latitude, longitude, elevation, air temperature, precipitation)
It is easy. If you are not familiar with the Visualization tool, please see the video guide.

4) Share your graph in this Discussion forum. Comment on how your data differ from data of other schools.

We are here to help you.

If you have any technical issue when uploading the data and working with Visualization tool, please contact us at europe@globe.gov. Most of the problems can be solved by one or two more clicks! We will tell you how to do it:-)

And do not forget to continue measuring the length of the leaf and taking pictures with GrowApp!


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