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Investigation of a river with no forms of life by students of Dalton Den Haag.

Organization(s):Dalton Den Haag
Student(s):Wessel Aben, Charlotte Schimmel, Merel Arensman, Adam Emara, Cal Hofman, Hugo Arkesteijn, Lizzy Wilmer, Dogukan Yilmaz and Twan Van Meurs
Grade Level:Secondary School (grades 9-12, ages 14-18)
GLOBE Teacher:Tamara Havik
Contributors:Tamara Havik, SPU and Biology teacher.
Report Type(s):Standard Research Report
Date Submitted:05/15/2016
God bless Mother Nature
A student led investigation, which lasted from the 17th of March up until the 8th of April, was aiming to uncover the reason why a river had no forms of life. What was weird about this river is that there was red stuff floating on top of it. After several measurements, one could conclude that the river had perfect algae conditions and therefore the red stuff floating on top of the river had to be algae. This also explains why there is no other form of life in that river since algae make it quite hard for any other form of life or at least for the establishment of a circle of life. The perfect conditions for algae were likely caused by the nearby industry and construction site, let alone that a construction site or a nearby industrial zone is already harmful to its surrounding and will have ever-lasting implications on it.
