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Grade Level:Secondary School (grades 9-12, ages 14-18)
GLOBE Educator(s):Ahmed Moosa AlBalushi
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Presentation Poster: View Document
Date Submitted:03/08/2016
THE EFFECT OF ALQALA FALAJ UPON DENTAL HEALTH - PREPARED BY: - SARAH EFFET ABDULSATAR (9/4) - MAISA KHALIFA SALIM ALSAWAFI (9/3) - ALZAHRA ALI SHEIKHAN ALRIYAMI (9/3) GUMAH SCHOOL FOR BASIC EDUCATION (5-9) SUPERVISED BY: AFRA ALDAIHNI Summary of the Study: The research is aimed at explaining the effect of Falaj's water on teeth bleaching, detecting physical and chemical properties, healthy benefits of various elements in this Falaj and finding out some solutions to the teeth bleaching problem upon village's people. The main focus of the research is teeth discolouring of Qala AlMusalha people as a result of drinking from the water of this Falaj. Drinking from this water is the direct result in bleaching and distorting of the people's teeth. The main question of the research is: what are the elements and minerals that are found in the water of this Falaj which affect the dental health and led to discoloring and bleaching of the teeth? Water protocol was implemented related to Globe program, using its own tools to conduct scientific experiments, salinity and conductivity device, PH and GPS were used in this research. The research comes out with the following results: the Falaj's water contains some elements in different quantities, such as sodium, potassium, chlorine, magnesium. These elements have multiple health benefits. Some governmental institutions have been utilized in this research like Agricultural Research Station and the Ministry of Health. The availability of fluoride element in large quantities reached 3 mg / L, is considered as a large percentage. After investigation and interviewing the dentist, we found that the reason for teeth discoloring and bleaching is fluoride component. Therefore, a comparison was made between this Falaj and Bahla's Falaj, which is also used by people of Fateh for drinking, but their teeth were not affected or coloured. After testing the water, it is found that less than 1 mg / L. fluoride quantity is safe in drinking water. Thus, below 1mg/L or 1-1.5mg/L is (accepted). While 1.5-3 is considered dangerous to teeth fluoride. Whereas, from 3-10 is considered dangerous to the bone structure. While more than 10 mg may cause paralysis. The research recommends the following: studying other Falajs in the same Walayat like Albuaired and AlHadeeth Falajs. Since the Sultanate is rich with Falajs in its different Governorates, Globe team recommends other schools to carry out wider analytical studies to exchange scientific knowledge and draw comparison between Falaj's physical and chemical water. The team further recommends the concerned authorities (Ministry of Municipality) represented in the municipality related to the Walayat to conduct periodic examination of Falaj's water, observing the changes which occur over the years. The team further recommends (Ministry of Health) to consider the problem of the affected village's people and leave no stone unturned to resolve the problem of discoloring teeth. There are two ways to treat them: whether to cover this color with casserole layer or by coating the teeth completely, according to the interviewed dentist. This study fall in with the previous studies in some points and conflicted in other points. It also led to new questions, other problems and new hypotheses which can be considered a starting point to new research


What do you think could be done to decrease the problems with the falaj (hot spring) without reducing its beneficial properties?

What are the new sources of drinking water that enable the use of the water from the falaj to crop irrigation?
This is interesting! I like that you included other branches of science (dentistry) beyond Earth Science in your research. What do you plan to do next?

- Dr. Julie Malmberg
comment from Dixon:What do you think could be done to decrease the problems with the falaj (hot spring) without reducing its beneficial properties?
Find the cause of increasing the proportion of fluorine element in Falaj water.
Get rid of the difficult process of fluorine expensive therefore the best option for dealing with excess leaves of fluoride is knowing when the transition to the use of alternative sources of water.

What are the new sources of drinking water that enable the use of the water from the falaj to crop irrigation?
there are other sources to irrigate crops like falaj including wells and springs as well, but most of the adoption of our country to irrigate crops on falaj.
comment from Julie: This is interesting! I like that you included other branches of science (dentistry) beyond Earth Science in your research. What do you plan to do next?

conduct research and studies and other water sources in Oman. Make sure ratios of different elements such as sodium, fluoride, calcium etc...
Resources to the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Regional Municipalities to scan periodically to make sure a falaj natural proportion and idealism of the elements present in the water.