GLOBE Projects

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Organization(s):OS Josip Pupacic
Student(s):Ana Banović Ivona Buljević Stjepan Jurjević
Grade Level:Middle School (grades 6-8, ages 11-14)
GLOBE Educator(s):Tamara Banovic
Contributors:Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Split
Report Type(s):Standard Research Report
Protocols:Alkalinity, Dissolved Oxygen, Freshwater Macroinvertebrates, Nitrates, Water Temperature, pH, Salinity
Date Submitted:03/01/2018
Institute for Ocenography and Fisheries in Split
From March 2016 to March 2017, in the area of the small city port of Omis, which includes a public beach town, measurements of the physico-chemical properties of sea water, according to GLOBE protocols, were performed. At the same location, samples of seawater and shellfish (Mytilus galloprovicialis) were collected, and were analyzed at the Institute for Ocenography and Fisheries in Split. The presence of bacterial fecal contaminant indicators and the number of their colonies were taken as a basis for assessing the intensity of fecal contamination. The presence of bacterial fecal pollution indicators in seawater was carried out by the membrane filtration technique, while the presence of indicator species in bivalves was carried out by the method of the most probable number. The aim of this research was to assess the sanitary quality of seawater and shellfish in Omis City Port. We have assumed that the number of indicators of fecal pollution in the sea would be an indication of the danger for the health of people who bathe in such water. We also assumed that the consumption of mussels growing in the examined area should be avoided because we expect the number of indicator bacteria to exceed the prescribed values and that the consumption of such shellfish could seriously endanger the health of people who consume them. By analyzing seawater properties, according to GLOBE protocols, it can be concluded that the seawater transparency is high, nitrates and nitrites are not found in water, salinity is homogeneous, dissolved oxygen content, alkalinity and pH value are consistent with the values of those seawater factors.According to the Bathing Water Regulation (NN 73/2008), the results show that concentrations of indicator groups of fecal contamination bacteria in the sea belong to the category of the excellent bathing quality. According to the Ordinance on Animal Hygiene Regulations (NN 99/2007) and the Ordinance on Official Control of Animal Feed (NN 99/2007), the concentration of indicator bacterial species in the tissue and the intestinal fluid of mussels also indicate that the sanitary accuracy of the tested organisms and the shellfish from the examined area can be used in diet.
