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Mosquito Key Breeding Sites at Bang Rong Beach Areas, Supalai Scenic Bay Resort Areas , Beach in Front of the Hotel Areas and Coral Island Areas at Phuket Province, Thailand

Organization(s):Samsenwittayalai School
Student(s):Bhoorich Chaowangkhong, Wattana Jumpathong, Punnathorn Musikpan, Pannawhiz Pipatmunkong, Theerath Sawanglabwong, Napat Pigulhom, Sutassanewan Udomlapprasit, Nunthawath charoathjanaphipat, Nichapat Comnual, Chawittha Pudjeeb
Grade Level:Secondary School (grades 9-12, ages 14-18)
GLOBE Educator(s):Kornkamon Kumnerdkarn
Contributors:Mrs. Kornkamon Kumnerdkarn, Ms. Kamonnat Tootin, Ms. Suchada Sattamun, Ms. Nattaya Chuichai, Mr.Pawish Porwornchaiyakorn, Mr. Nuttanit Karnwitee Assoc.Prof.Dr.Krisanadej Jaorensutasinee, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Mullica Jaroensutasinee, Miss Pirarat Kettaphanthuwat Miss Tanyaporn Seagjun, Center of Excellence for Ecoinformatics, School of Science, Walailak University, Thailand.
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report
Protocols:Mosquitoes, pH, Water Temperature
Presentation Video: View Video
Presentation Poster: View Document
Date Submitted:03/02/2023
Mosquito Key Breeding Sites at Phuket Province, Thailand
This study aimed to compare mosquito species, abundance and mosquito key breeding sites at four beaches: (1) Bang Rong Beach, (2) Supalai Scenic Bay Resort area, (3) Pakok Beach and (4) Coral Island Beach at Phuket province, Thailand. We collected mosquito key breeding sites and examined these factors: (1) Natural / Man made Containers, (2) Metal / Plastic / Earthen Containers, (3) Containers with Lid / Without Lid, (4) Water Levels (0-25%, 26-50%, 51-75%, 76-100%), (5) Water Temperature, (6) Containers / Breeding sites and (7) Mosquito species: Aedes (Ae. albopictus, Ae. aegypti), and Culex spp. We used the GLOBE Observer: MHM App and reported our data to the GLOBE website. Our results showed that in all the areas, we found 12 metal containers, 17 plastic containers, 13 earthen materials, 6 natural materials and 17 containers classified as other materials. In every area combined, man-made containers were higher than natural containers. Most containers are made of metal, 8 containers have lids, while 57 do not. We found that we could only find mosquito larvae in plant pots. CI in Supalai Scenic Bay Resort area most valuable.
