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Comparison between the soil of Valley Bish plains and the soil of Bish coasts and their impact on agriculture

Country:Saudi Arabia
Student(s):Raghad Ali Ibrahim Bahri -Amassi Moussa muhamad Deghasi.
Grade Level:Secondary School (grades 9-12, ages 14-18)
GLOBE Teacher:Faizah Ibrahim Bahry
Contributors:Faizah Ibrahim Bahry -Faigah Mughani -Hanan Khurmy
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report, Standard Research Report
Protocols:Soil Fertility, Soil pH, Soil Characterization
Presentation Poster: View Document
Optional Badges:I am a Collaborator, I am a Data Scientist, I am a STEM Storyteller
Language(s):English, Arabic
Date Submitted:03/09/2020
Abstract : The study aims to compare the soils of Valley Bish Plain and the string of stretches of sea Bish coast and their effect on agriculture. Questions: • What is the effect of soil? • Is there a relationship between the acidity of the soil and the amount of bicarbonate on agriculture? Hypothesis: 1- There is an impact of the soil on agriculture in the plains of Bish and the coasts of Bish. 2- There is no effect of soil on agriculture in the plains of Bish. 3- There is an inverse relationship between the acidity of the soil, the amount of bicarbonate, and the cultivation of land in Beach. Actions : Use the experimental approach. Results: - The plains of Beech are suitable for agriculture. Because it is an even soil, while the beaches are not suitable for cultivation because of the high acidity and the amount of bicarbonate. Conclusions: The relationship between acidity of the soil and the amount of bicarbonate in the soil and agriculture is inverse. Terminology: plains: wide area of lowland near wadis. Coast: An area of land adjacent to the sea. Soil: a mixture of materials covering the surface of the Earth.


This is a great project. I like that you based your work on the work by students in the past. You are answering an important research question that can help farmers plant more crops.
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