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Effect of manure fertilizer, white sugar and molasses on soil’s PH and arugula’s growth rate.

Country:Saudi Arabia
Student(s):Toleen Mira, Lujain Alomeri
Grade Level:Middle School (grades 6-8, ages 11-14)
GLOBE Teacher:Sana Sabra
Report Type(s):International Virtual Science Symposium Report, Standard Research Report
Protocols:Soil pH
Presentation Poster: View Document
Optional Badges:I am a Collaborator, I am a Data Scientist, I make an Impact
Date Submitted:03/07/2020
The purpose of our experiment was first to investigate the effect of molasses and sugar on soil’s PH, and second to study whether molasses or white sugar could be used as a source of nutrients for plants. To that end, soil’s PH, plant growth rate, taste and color were examined.
