Required eTraining Modules by Sphere / Protocol

Before users can start logging their measurements into GLOBE databases, they must first complete the necessary GLOBE protocol training. To make these trainings more accessible, there are online learning modules that will help users meet our quality standards. There is a guide below to the specific modules users must complete before uploading data pertinent to a specific Earth sphere and protocol.

Choose the protocol within the Earth sphere that corresponds with the relevant data. The required modules within each sphere are ordered by ease of implementation.


​​​​​​​Users must first complete the Introduction to GLOBE training, regardless of which sphere/protocol they choose.

Protocol Certification Requirements - Atmosphere

Complete the Introduction to Atmosphere and one of the modules below to complete training for an Atmosphere protocol.

Protocol Required Module
Air Temperature Air Temperature
Clouds Clouds

One of the following:

  • Precipitation: Rain
  • Precipitation: Snow
Relative Humidity Relative Humidity
Barometric Pressure Barometric Pressure
Surface Temperature Surface Temperature


Protocol Certification Requirements - Biosphere

Complete the Introduction to Biosphere and one of the modules below to complete training for a Biosphere protocol.

Protocol Required Module

Land Cover Classification and one of the following:

  • Biometry: Canopy Cover and Ground Cover
  • Biometry: Tree Circumference
  • Biometry: Graminoid Biomass
  • Biometry: Graminoid, Tree, and Shrub Height (Five Methods)
Carbon Cycle

Carbon Cycle Introduction and one of the following:

  • Standard Site Carbon Cycle Protocols
  • Non-Standard Site Carbon Cycle Protocols
Green Up-Green Down

One of the following:

  • Green Up-Green Down: Grass Green-Up
  • Green Up-Green Down: Grass Green-Down
  • Green Up-Green Down: Tree and Shrub Green-Up
  • Green Up-Green Down: Tree and Shrub Green-Down

Protocol Certification Requirements - Hydrosphere

Complete the Introduction to Hydrosphere and one of the modules below to complete training for a Hydrosphere protocol.

Protocol Required Module
Water Temperature

Water Temperature

Water Transparency

Water Transparency

Electrical Conductivity

Electrical Conductivity

Water pH

Water pH

Alkalinity Alkalinity
Dissolved Oxygen

Dissolved Oxygen



Nitrates Nitrates

Protocol Certification Requirements - Pedosphere

Complete the Introduction to Pedosphere and one of the modules below to complete training for a Pedosphere protocol.

Protocol Required Module
Soil Temperature Soil Temperature
Soil Moisture: Block Pattern SMAP Soil Moisture
Soil Moisture: Gravimetric

Soil Moisture Gravimetric

Soil Characterization Soil Characterization
Soil Bulk Density Soil Bulk Density
Soil Infiltration Soil Infiltration