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07-09 May: U.S. Southeast Regional SRS

Students at the Southeast SRS
Poster presentations at the Southeast SRS

Teachers, students, U.S. partners, scientists, and alumni from the Southeast region (AL, AR, FL, GA, KY, LA, MS, NC, SC, TN, and Puerto Rico) are invited to gather and discuss GLOBE student research projects at the fifth annual Southeast Student Research Symposium (SRS). This event will include presentations of student research, professional development for teachers, and networking and collaboration opportunities for all participants.



The United States GLOBE Student Research Symposia (SRS) will not be held this spring due to COVID-19. The SRS leadership team is currently discussing other ways that students could share their GLOBE research. The United States GLOBE Office staff are thinking daily about all of you and are committed to continuing the SRS in future years. Be well and please reach out with ideas on how the GLOBE Partners and the U.S. GLOBE Office can help you #doGLOBE!

Please check with the SRS webpage for the most current information. If you have any questions about the research process or bringing students to the SRS, please use the SRS Teacher Hotline


Location: The Vines Center, Little Rock, Arkansas

Host: Lynne Hehr, University of Arkansas, Arkansas

Tentative Agenda:

Thursday, May 7

3:00 - 5:00 pm

Registration opens

Student/teacher check in with SRS Coordinator

Poster set up

4:00 pm

Team building activity

5:00 - 5:45 pm 

Dinner in cafeteria 

6:00 pm

Keynote speaker 

7:00 pm

Team building activities

8:00 pm

Student work time

10:00 pm

Students/Chaperones/Teachers to rooms

11:00 pm

Lights out

Friday, May 8

7:30 - 8:30 am


8:30 - 9:00 am

Student Peer Review Overview

9:00 - 9:30 am

Student Peer Review 

Project reviewers gather to discuss review process

9:30 am - 12:00 pm

  • Scientists review projects
  • Teacher professional development
12:00 - 1:00 pm

Lunch in cafeteria (students and teachers)

Project reviewer lunch and project discussion

1:00 - 2:30 pm

Team building activities (students and teachers)

Project reviewer discussion continued

2:30 - 3:00 pm

Project Recognition and Thanks

3:00 pm

Head home


Research Projects:

Student projects will be presented in a poster presentation format. Poster size should be no more than 36" by 48". The maximum number of students allowed per project presentation is 3 students. All projects must use GLOBE protocols or GLOBE data, and data collected should be entered in the GLOBE Database. If you have questions about data entry, please contact your cooperating Partnership and/or see this Data Entry webinar

For more information on the poster review process, see the SRS Project Review page.

Lodging and Meals:

Lodging will be at the Vines Center. Lodging accommodations for Thursday night will be provided for sponsored teachers and students. For those with flights on Saturday morning, additional lodging on Friday night will be discussed as need arises.  

Dinner on Thursday night and breakfast and lunch on Friday will be provided for all participants. 

Participant Travel Support:

Teachers may apply for travel funding support by completing the Funding Application by 01 February 2020. For more information and eligibility, please see the SRS Logistics page.  

Getting to the event:

The closest airport is in Little Rock, AR. There is plenty of parking at the Vines Center, which is about 20 minutes from the airport. Transportation from the airport to the Vines Center is being considered, depending on need of participants. 




What should I wear?

Presentation day (Saturday) is business casual. For other days, wear regular school clothing. Some events will take place outside. 

Should students bring spending money?

Meals during the event will be provided to all participants. If your team is funded through GLOBE, meals during travel will also be covered. Students are welcome to bring money for other incidentals, but it is not necessary. 

Event Topics: Science Symposia and Fairs type: globe-events

Events origin: United States of America
