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Today (14 November): GME Webinar: “Using GLOBE Urban Heat Surface Temperature Campaign Data to Develop a Research Question”

Photo of GLOBE community members in the field collecting data

U.S. Community: GLOBE Mission EARTH (GME) will host a webinar on Wednesday, 14 November, (8:00 p.m. EST): “Using GLOBE Urban Heat Island Effect/Surface Temperature Field Campaign Data to Develop a Research Question.”

Did you know that NASA uses your GLOBE data? During this webinar, Dr. David Padgett from Tennessee State University will showcase the NASA satellites that collect surface temperature data, and will explain how that data is collected. In the teacher feature, Jeff Bouwman from Shumate Middle School, Gibraltar, Michigan, USA, will focus on how to get students to develop research questions. Also, the dates and locations of the 2019 GLOBE U.S. Regional Student Research Symposia will be announced.

To register for the webinar, click here.

To learn more about GLOBE Mission Earth, click here.

type: globe-news

News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office
