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2021 GLOBE Annual Meeting Update

2021 GLOBE Annual Meeting Banner

Getting ready for the 2021 GLOBE Annual Meeting? Here’s the latest news to help ensure your experience is a resounding success…

Photo of Dr. Karen Bailey, GLOBE Annual Meeting Keynote Speaker
Keynote Speaker

Meet our first keynote speaker for the GLOBE Annual Meeting! Dr. Karen Bailey is an Assistant Professor in the Environmental Studies Program at the University of Colorado at Boulder (Boulder, Colorado, USA). She is interested in human-environment interactions, climate change, and sustainable rural livelihoods. She also has an emphasis on justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion in environmental fields and STEM; and is committed to research that supports, amplifies, and engages the most vulnerable among us. Her current projects focus on climate adaptation in southern Africa, human health and well-being in east Africa, barriers to entry and retention in natural resource fields, and just and equitable climate change research.



“Early Bird” Registration ends on 12 May! After 12 May, registration will increase from $95 USD to $125 USD. Registration closes on 01 July 2021.

To register, click here.


Poster Presentation Applications  

Poster applications are still being accepted! Applications are due by 07 May; no late or incomplete applications will be accepted. Your poster should fit within the Session Strands to be presented at the Annual Meeting. (Note: Students will be presenting their research separately; therefore, only 2021 IVSS selected students will be at the meeting this year. Please do not submit a presentation for students. For more information on the 2021 IVSS, click here.) 

To submit an application to present a poster, click here.

Meeting Agenda

To view the agenda for the GLOBE Annual Meeting, click here. (Note: Time zones are in U.S. Mountain Time; so, for your convenience, a link to a time zone converter is provided.)

Science Protocol Training

During the meeting, there will be multiple opportunities to participate in GLOBE science protocol training sessions. When you register, you can select the protocol training times you would like to attend. (There is limited capacity for each protocol training session.) Pre-registration is required, and registration will close on 01 July. More information is provided during registration. Sessions include: 

  • Beginner Grouping: Clouds*, Air Temperature, Relative Humidity, Precipitation - Rain
  • Intermediate Grouping: Land Cover* and Tree Height*
  • Experienced Grouping: Mosquito Habitat Mapper* and Surface Temperature
  • Experienced Grouping: Carbon Cycle Introduction, Carbon Cycle Standard Site, Carbon Cycle Non-standard Site, Carbon Cycle Modeling

* The GLOBE Program’s app, GLOBE Observer

For more information on the 2021 GLOBE Annual Meeting, click here.

If you have any questions, please contact

News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office
