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Hosting Opportunity - 2014 GLOBE Learning Expedition








The University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) has issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) to select a GLOBE country Partner to host the 2014 GLOBE Learning Expedition (GLE).

The Learning Expeditions are organized every few years in order to provide students from around the world the opportunity to present their research projects to their peers, GLOBE scientists and the GLOBE world community. in addition, teachers share innovative ideas and challenges, attend GLOBE protocol and related professional development sessions and build connections for research efforts between schools worldwide. 

To submit a proposal to host the next GLE, see the following 6 documents.

Attachment 1: Statement of Work

Attachment 2: Budget Guidelines

Attachment 3: UCAR Subcontract

Attachment 4: NASA Subcontract Flow Down Requirements

Attachment 5: New Vendor Set-Up Form

Attachment 6: Request for Proposal

All questions and comments related to the RFP, as well as your proposal, should be sent to Patti Young, UCAR contracts administrator, at We request that you do not copy the GLOBE Program Office (GPO) staff members, members of the RFP evaluation committee or anyone else when sending questions, comments or your proposal.

In the most recent GLE in Cape Town, South Africa in 2008, over 500 participants from 51 countries took part. GLE's are among the highest profile events in the GLOBE community. If you would like to host the GLE In 2014, your proposal must be received by 31 August 2013. The contract will be awarded in mid to late October 2013.


type: globe-news

News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office
