FAQ - GLOBE Schools


Log in to GLOBE.gov. From the top, right corner of your browser, select "Manage," and then in the drop-down menu, select "Control Panel." When you are in the "Control Panel," you will see "Users and Organizations" on the left side. Click on "Users and Organizations," and then click on the name of your school to view its information. On the right-hand side of the screen, you will see a menu, from that menu select "Edit" which will open another page with a menu on the right-hand side that reads: "Organization Information" with links to your school's information, such as address, phone number, email addresses, and website. You can enter your school's information in the fields provided. Be sure to select the "Save" button if you modify any information.
The school location is based on the latitude, longitude, and elevation of your school. In order to visit your school's page, move your mouse over the "Go To" on the top bar and select your school from the list. Verify the location of your school on the "Organization Map" on the bottom-right corner of the page on your school's page. If your location needs to be corrected, select "Manage," and then in the drop-down menu, select "Control Panel." When you are in the "Control Panel," you will see "Users and Organizations" on the left side. Click on "Users and Organizations," and then click on the name of your school to view its information. On the right-hand side of the screen, you will see a menu, from that menu select "Edit" which will open another page with a menu on the right-hand side that reads: "Organization Information." On the right-hand side of the screen, you will see a menu that says "GLOBE Info." You can enter the correct information for your school's latitude, longitude, and elevation into the fields provided. Be sure to select the "Save" button if you modify any information.
Users are not listed on a school page until their account has been approved. In order to see the status of your account, click on your name (at the top right of the browser window) then select "My Account." You will be taken to your account page. Select "GLOBE User Groups" from the options on the right. If "GLOBE User Groups" reads "Account Requested" then your account has not yet been approved, or you have not yet been accepted to a workshop. If your account remains in this state for an extended time, please contact globehelp@ucar.edu to determine if there is an issue.
Contact a GLOBE Partner, Country Coordinator, or send an email to globehelp@ucar.edu. They can change the school you are associated with, or can add an additional school.