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GO on a Trail Facebook Live on Thursday

Sharable for the GO on a Trail FB Live.

Join GLOBE Observer on Thursday, 27 June at 3 p.m. PT for a Facebook Live direct from Hells Gate State Park.  They will be discussing the GO on a Trail Summer Challenge and the importance of documenting the world around you. 

Representatives from NASA GLOBE Observer (Peder Nelson and Autumn Burdick), the Lewis and Clark National and Historic Trail and Discover Nez Perce National Historical Park will be on screen! 
Also, be ready to ask us your questions -- we will have a Q&A period while LIVE on Facebook.
To watch:
More about the GO on a Trail Summer Citizen Science Challenge: 

Primary Audience: Partners Scientists Alumni Country Coordinators Trainers Teachers Students type: globe-news

News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office
