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Aerosol Campaign 2014 starts on September 15th

Aerosol Campaign 2014 starts on September 15th


How you can join as:

 GLOBE country coordinator

- remind to schools the dates of observation period: September 15 - October 17

- NEW! check updated GLOBE Aerosol Campaign Webpage:

  1. what research questions students can investigate

  2. the results of 2014 spring campaign from France

- connect to an aerosol scientist in your country

- join the Europe Aerosol Campaign as a member of collaboration group on

- give us feedback to the campaign 


kidsGLOBE teacher or student 

if you already have a sunphotometer, just get ready and go measure from September 15 - October 17

- find out more about how to observe aerosols, upload, analyze and compare data 

- NEW! 

  1. what research questions students can investigate
  2. the results of 2014 spring campaign from France

- get inspired by learning activities and resources

- join the Europe Aerosol Campaign as a member of collaboration group on

- register via email on 


Download the Leaflet of the campaign


type: globe-news

News origin: Europe and Eurasia
