Asset Publisher

GO on a Trail Facebook Live on Thursday
Join GLOBE Observer on Thursday, 27 June at 3 p.m. PT for a Facebook Live direct from Hells Gate State Park. They will be discussing the GO on a Trail Summer Challenge and the importance of documenting the world around you.  >>

Help NASA Measure Trees with Your Smartphone
Healthy forests play a crucial role in Earth’s ecosystem as growing trees take up carbon from the atmosphere. NASA satellites and airborne missions study forests to see how carbon moves through ecosystems – and now citizen scientists can help investigate this key question as well by using their smartphone to measure tree height.  >>

GLOBE Observer Trees Facebook Live
Join GLOBE Observer LIVE for a special Facebook Live event all about Trees on 26 March 2018 at 3:00 p.m. EDT.  >>

Land Cover Challenge Winners 2018
Citizen scientists from all of the GLOBE regions -- and from 25 countries -- participated in the 2018 Land Cover Challenge.  >>

Join Phenology Campaign for Europe and Eurasia!
Would you like to see, how a green wave of vegetation moves through Europe during the spring? Join Phenology campaign 2017 and try a brand new GrowApp. New flyer with information about the campaign is now available.  >>

Motivate and Attract Students to Science - Conference
Motivate and Attract Students to Science (MASS) Project is operated under the platform of the GLOBE Program in 8 European countries. We invite you to join the Open Conference in NEMO Science Center in Amsterdam, November 25th-27th, the first public event of the project that brings together experts in the field of education, teaching, training, and applied science from European countries.  >>

