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The GLOBE Program in the First Half-Year of 2018


2017 was a wonderful year, filled with great GLOBE activities, projects, meetings, and campaigns. We would like to thank everyone in the GLOBE community for your amazing work! We greatly appreciate it, and we look forward to our continued cooperation and meetings with “GLOBE family” in 2018.

And what remarkable activities and events will come in next six months?

Spring Phenology Campaign 

The Phenology Campaign for Europe & Eurasia, which began in January 2018, will continue with the spring budburst and greening-up observations.

What can you do?

  • Observe greening-up of vegetation with the help of GLOBE green-up protocols and activities.
  • Use GrowApp smartphone app to take pictures and create an animation of the greening of your tree. Start observing trees just before the growing season starts and take the first picture of the tree without leaves.
  • Join the collaboration group for the school year 2017 – 2018

International Virtual Science Symposium 

The 2018 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium (IVSS) is an opportunity for GLOBE students to show the results of their hard work by sharing their research projects with the GLOBE community all over the world.

What can you do?

  • Submit your student project  - The deadline is 01 March. The top four projects will win a prize of $2,000 (to help offset the costs of attending the 2018 GLOBE Learning Expedition in Killarney, Ireland).
  • Volunteer scoring and mentoring projects – Are you a STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) professional, GLOBE alumni, teacher, or graduate student? Would you like to volunteer to assist scoring the projects or mentoring students? Please let us know. An informational webinar for judges will be held on 16 March 2018 at 06:00 p.m. UTC. 
  • Watch information webinars and other IVSS resources.

Water in Our Environment (ENSO Phase III Students Research Campaign) 

The campaign focuses on three main topics: Water Quality, Water's Impact, and Water and Life. Each topic is related to investigative questions and to a set of GLOBE protocols that help students explore different aspects of water in their local environment. A major focus of this campaign is collaboration. The campaign will be going on through 30 June.

What can you do?

  • Explore water in your local environment using a set of guiding investigative questions.
  • Collaborate with other schools around the globe.
  • Join the “Connections and Collaboration” webinar on Thursday, 12 April @12:00 p.m. UTC (GMT)
  • Join SODA webinar “Does Data Drive Questions or Do Questions Drive Data?" on Thursday 26 April @ 9:00 p.m. UTC (GMT)
  • Watch past webinars.

2018 GLOBE Games in the Czech Republic 

The 2018 GLOBE Games, organized by The GLOBE Program Czech Republic, will be held from  31 May through 03 June, in Humpolec, Czech Republic. During the event, teams of students from the Czech Republic and other European countries will share results of their GLOBE scientific projects, learn from scientists and other subject experts, and experience the research in fieldwork.

What can you do?

  • Create a team, contact GLOBE Czech Republic, and come to Humpolec to enjoy GLOBE Games.The deadline for registration is 28 February.

GLOBE Learning Expedition 

Town of Killarney with cars on street. The GLOBE Learning Expedition (GLE) provides students from around the world the opportunity to present their GLOBE research projects, to establish friendships, and to develop collaborative partnerships that will enhance their future GLOBE experiences.

The 2018 GLE will be held from 01 July through 06 July, in Killarney, Ireland.with The theme is "Mountain, Woods, and Water: Developing a Sense of Place."

What can you do?

  • Register – Receive the early bird rate for registration by 01 February.
  • Keynote Student Speakers – Please share with your students the great opportunity to become a Keynote Speaker.

22nd GLOBE Annual Meeting 

If you would like to present at the Annual Meeting, which will take place on 01 July in Killarney, Ireland, please fill out the online form through 01 March: Call for presentations.

The Earth Day and GLOBE´s Birthday

GLOBE will celebrate its 23rd birthday on Earth Day, 22 April. Do you plan a celebration? Please write us about it.

GLOBE Learning Expedition in Estonia 

The GLOBE Learning Expedition will be held from 13-16 August in, Jõulumäe Recreation Centre, Pärnu County, Estonia.

The registration will be opened in April/May. For more information contact GLOBE Estonia.

Do you have any other interesting plan that you would like to share with the Europe and Eurasia GLOBE community? Let us know!

With regards,

Dana, Bara, Lenka and Ivana

GLOBE Regional Coordination Office

type: globe-news

News origin: Europe and Eurasia
