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GLOBE Learning Expedition (GLE) Organizing Committee
The Organizing Committee for the 2014 GLOBE Learning Exhibition (GLE) has been selected, with representatives from all GLOBE regions.
Ask N.I.C.E (NASA Innovations in Climate Education) Online Professional Development Series
Would you like to have your class participate in an interactive webcast with an astronaut? NASA invites students and teachers to an inside look at America's Spaceport at 2:30 pm ET on 31 January 2014.
January 2014 GLOBE News Brief
Start the year out right. Read the January 2014 GLOBE News Brief!
Happy New Year from the GLOBE Program Office
Wishing you all the best in 2014 with this holiday card.
GLOBE Learning Expedition (GLE) Update
The 2014 GLOBE Learning Expedition (GLE) webpage is now available. Find new information about the 2014 GLE in New Delhi, India, which will take place from 4 – 8 August 2014.
2014 GLOBE Program Calendar Now Available
The 2014 GLOBE Program Calendar, illustrated with the winning artwork of the GLOBE Student Art Competition, is now available on the GLOBE website!
NOAA Adopt a Drifter Program
Wanted: Schools outside the U.S. who would like to partner with U.S. schools to co-adopt a drifting buoy and track it as it moves in the ocean currents. Participate in NOAA's Adopt a Drifter Program.
December 2013 GLOBE News Brief
All GLOBE news in one place. Read the December 2013 News Brief!
Participate in the Surface Temperature Field Campaign Throughout the Month of December
The 8th Annual Surface Temperature Field Campaign is taking place throughout the month of December. You don't need to have snow on the ground to take part in this field campaign.
GLOBE Learning Expedition to be Held in India in August 2014
The GLOBE Program Office is pleased to announce the selection of GLOBE India as our host for the 2014 GLOBE Learning Expedition (GLE). Mark your calendars for New Delhi, during the first week of August 2014.
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