
Asset Publisher

01 May: GLOBE Mission EARTH’s 2019 Satellites Student Conference in Toledo, Ohio, USA
U.S. Community (K-16 students and their teachers: Join the GLOBE Mission EARTH Satellites Student Conference on 01 May (9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.). The event will take place at the University of Toledo in Toledo, Ohio, USA. Register by midnight on 12 April to qualify for the $10 student scholarship.  >>

04/26/2019 - 04/27/2019
26-27 April 2019: Pacific (U.S.) Regional Student Research Symposium
Teachers, students, U.S. Partners, scientists and alumni from the Pacific region (CA, HI, NV) are invited to gather and discuss GLOBE student research projects at the fourth annual Pacific Student Research Symposium (SRS). This event will include presentations of student research, professional development for teachers, and networking and collaboration opportunities for all participants.  >>

17 April: GLOBE Mission EARTH Webinar: “What Have We Learned by Doing the Urban Heat Island Effect-Surface Temperature Field Campaign?”
GLOBE Mission EARTH (GME) will host a webinar on Wednesday, 17 April (8:00 p.m. ET): “What Have We Learned by Doing the Urban Heat Island Effect-Surface Temperature Field Campaign?”  >>

17 April GLOBE Mission Mosquito Citizen Science Webinar: “Tools for Analyzing Data”
Citizen Scientists – Join the GLOBE Mission Mosquito (GMM) Field Measurement Campaign Webinar #4” See Your Data,” on Wednesday, 17 April, at 2:00 p.m. ET (7:00 p.m. UTC).  >>

10 April: GLOBE Mission Mosquito Education Webinar #6: “Who Am I?"
Educators – Join the GLOBE Mission Mosquito (GMM) Field Measurement Campaign Webinar #6 “Who Am I? Or How to Identify Larvae,” on Wednesday, 10 April, at 2:00 p.m. ET.  >>

09 April: U.S. Teachers – Participate in the Teacher Watercooler Meetup
U.S. GLOBE Teachers: Join the GLOBE Professional Learning Community (PLC) and hear how other GLOBE teachers use GLOBE with their students during a Teacher Watercooler meet-up at 7:00 p.m. ET on Tuesday, 09 April.  >>

04/07/2019 - 04/13/2019
07-13 April: The GLOBE Mission Mosquito Citizen Science Day Mosquito Blitz is On!
The GLOBE Observer Mosquito Blitz kicked off on Sunday, 07 April, and ends on Citizen Science Day, 13 April. Join us in this focused effort to gather observations of mosquito breeding sites.  >>

04/04/2019 - 04/07/2019
04-07 April 2019: Midwest (U.S.) Regional Student Research Symposium
Teachers, students, U.S. Partners, scientists and alumni from the Midwest region (OH, MI, WI, IL, IN, WI, MO, IA, MN) are invited to gather and discuss GLOBE student research projects at the fourth annual Midwest Student Research Symposium (SRS). This event will include presentations of student research, professional development for teachers, and networking and collaboration opportunities for all participants.  >>

27 March: GLOBE Mission Mosquito Citizen Science Webinar #3 -- “Citizen Science in Your Community”
Citizen Scientists – Join the GLOBE Mission Mosquito (GMM) Field Measurement Campaign webinar #3, ”Citizen Science in Your Community,” on Wednesday, 27 March, at 2:00 p.m. EST (7:00 p.m. UTC).  >>

19 March: Trees Around the GLOBE Campaign Webinar: “Our Connection to the Land: Trees and Forests Through the Eyes of the Salish Tribe of Montana”
On Tuesday, 19 March, the Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign webinar “Our Connection to the Land: Trees and Forests Through the Eyes of the Salish Tribe of Montana,” will be held at 9:00 a.m. EDT (1:00 p.m. UTC).  >>