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Latin and Caribbean Region Seeks Nominations for Evaluation Working Group Representative – Deadline to Apply is 22 February

Graphic of a wide variety of people sitting around a table for discussion.

Become more involved with GLOBE as a member of a GLOBE Working Group! Nominations are being sought from the Latin America and Caribbean GLOBE Region for the Evaluation Working Group. The selected representative will start with the Working Group in April 2021, and will serve for a regular term ending no later than the regular scheduled term end of December 2023. The deadline to apply is 22 February. All active GLOBE community members will be considered.

The Evaluation Working Group assists in the identification of the effectiveness, impacts, and/or outcomes of The GLOBE Program. Necessary skills to serve on the Evaluation Working Group include: experience with various evaluation and assessment methodologies, a statistical analysis mindset, and practice with creating reports for distribution.

In order to apply, please read the Working Group Terms of Reference document, which outlines the purpose and functions of the five Working Groups, and the expectations of each member. In order to represent your region on a GLOBE Working Group, a proficient-fluent understanding of English is necessary. 

If you would like to apply to be considered for a place on the Working Group, please complete the Working Group Candidate Statement Form and submit by the deadline of 22 February. You must attach a two-page resume within this form. Please be sure that you fulfill all necessary procedures within your organization that are required to serve on this GLOBE Working Group.

If you would like to nominate someone who you think would be a good candidate for the Working Group, you can complete the Working Group Nomination Form by 22 February. Also, please let the person whom you have nominated know that you are endorsing her/him, and ask said person to submit the Working Group Candidate Statement Form by 22 February in order to be considered. Please remind nominees that they have to fulfill all required procedures within their organization to serve on a GLOBE Working Group.

For more information on the Working Groups, click here. (The documents/forms referred to above are located in the upper left-hand corner.)


News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office
