News - INFINITY Science Center Partner
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Calling All GLOBE Students: Become One of 12 Student “Vloggers” for GLOBE YouTube
GLOBE is seeking 12 students to volunteer as GLOBE student vloggers (video bloggers). These vloggers will create vlog–style video content for the GLOBE YouTube channel.
New Photo Upload for Climate and Land Cover Project
The month of October is an Intensive Observing Period (IOP) for the Climate and Land Cover (CLC) Project. The GLOBE Program Office has created a photo upload link in the data entry pages for community members who are participating. These links will store your photos, which will be available on the new GLOBE visualization system in the future.
2012 Student Xpedition to the Roof of Africa
The 4th annual GLOBE Africa and Seasons and Biomes Xpedition is just around the corner. In a matter of weeks, GLOBE students, teachers and scientists will make another epic trek to the summit of the highest peak in Africa.