Mission Earth News

Teacher Janene Smith featured in her local newspaper for her GLOBE and NASA work!

GLOBE Mission EARTH/University of Toledo Teacher Janene Smith just completed two weeks in Austin, Texas serving as a mentor for a group of NASA SEES Interns! Janene assisted with all of the SEES students, but worked most closely with the Air Quality Initiative (AQI) group, which included students from around the country who worked virtually before the on-site trip to Austin with Janene, Sara Mierzwiak (Research Assistant/GLOBE Mission EARTH), Dr. Margaret Pippin (NASA Langley) and Dr. Kevin Czajkowski (GME Principal Investigator) on their own independent air quality research projects. Janene was even was featured in her local newspaper for this work, as well as her other (extensive) work with GLOBE. Check out some pics below as well as the link to her local newspaper article! To learn more about the NASA SEES High School Internship Program, go here




Link to Janene's local newspaper article about her:
