GLOBAL News - NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
GLOBE Instrument Shelter Installed at Foreign Service Institute in Virginia, USA
On 02 February, a GLOBE instrument shelter was officially installed at the Foreign Service Institute (FSI) in Arlington County, Virginia, USA. The instrument shelter was donated by NASA to the United States Department of State to benefit Earth Science Technology and Health (ESTH), public diplomacy, and language students. FSI is the government’s premier foreign affairs training provider.
The new GLOBE/FSI shelter will serve as an interactive way to teach students engaged in FSI’s language and professional courses about the environment. Students can use the shelter instruments and barometer to take weather readings. Training on the equipment will also help them serve as mentors for The GLOBE Program in their eventual overseas assignments.
GLOBE is happy to welcome FSI to its worldwide network of over 31,000 GLOBE schools, and thousands of citizen scientists, reporting on the environment.
type: globe-news
News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office