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Teachers: On Monday, 16 October, Astronauts Will Answer Your Students’ Questions – Live From Space!

Astronauts aboard ISS

Teachers: Join astronaut and former classroom teacher Joe Acaba, along with crewmate Paolo Nespoli, for a Facebook Live event on Monday, 16 October (at 11:05-11:35 CDT). Acaba and Nespoli will respond to questions from media, educators, and students from around the world! Submit questions ahead of time at @NASAEdu twitter using #TeacherOnBoard. Simply log on and ask questions: Maybe yours will get answered!

This special event kicks off NASA’s A Year of Education on Station, a celebration of an almost 12-month presence of a teacher on board the International Space Station.

For more information, click here!

type: globe-news

News origin: GLOBE Implementation Office
