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WEBINAR | Europe and Eurasia: Exploring the 2024 Autumn Tree Campaign
Join us on 23 September at 16:00 CST (14:00 UTC) when we will provide an introduction to the Autumn Tree Campaign plans, green-down activities, and tree height measurements. Don't miss this chance to get involved!  >>

WEBINAR | International Virtual Science Symposium (IVSS) Kick-off Meeting
The International Virtual Science Symposium is an opportunity for GLOBE students to showcase their research to the rest of the community. Learn more at this informational meeting.  >>

WEBINAR | The State of Trees – October 2024. Welcome to Year 7: An Overview of the Essential NASA Missions and Looking Towards the Present—Data and What It Can Tell Us
Join us as we begin Year 7 of the State of Trees campaign. During this webinar, the campaign team will discuss the essential NASA missions (ICESat-2, GEDI, NISAR, and the Landsat series of satellites) that align to this campaign.  >>