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12/04/2024 - 12/08/2024
Workshop: formation des encadreurs des clubs SERVIR/GLOBE en pédologie à Mbacké, Senegal

En ajoutant les protocoles sur l’étude du sol au cours de cette deuxième phase de SERVIR-AO, les élèves et les encadreurs pourront découvrir les relations entre le sol et les êtres vivants et l’agriculture.

Les encadreurs des 3 anciens clubs et ceux des 2 nouveaux clubs (lycée de Mbacké et lycée de Thilmakha) situés en milieu semi rural verront leur capacité renforcer en pédologie et pourront ainsi accompagner les agriculteurs locaux pour un meilleur rendement des cultures.

C’est dans ce contexte que le CSE organise une mission du 4 au 8 décembre 2024 en collaboration avec la DESMG et la coordonnatrice nationale de GLOBE afin de former les encadreurs des clubs sur les protocoles retenus et mettre en place le matériel nécessaire à leur application dans les établissements ciblés. La formation aura lieu au lycée de Mbacké.

L’objectif de la formation est de renforcer les capacités des encadreurs sur les protocoles identifiés (caractérisation des sols et étude de la fertilité du sol) et remettre le matériel nécessaire à leur application aux chefs des établissements abritant les clubs SERVIR/GLOBE.


WEBINAR | The State of Trees – December 2024. Connecting with the "30 Years of GLOBE" Webinar: A Tale of Two Scientists: Changes in Data and Technology Over Time
On 5 December at 10:00 am ET (3:00 pm UTC, 16:00 CET), listen in on a discussion between Dr. Russ Congalton, the original GLOBE Land Cover Protocol scientist, and Peder Nelson, scientist and GLOBE Program partner who currently supports the GLOBE Observer Land Cover tool. Hear their answers to how changes in technology have impacted GLOBE data, and what they believe the scientific legacy of GLOBE data is.  >>

WEBINAR | GLOBE Observer Connect: December 2024
Please join the GLOBE Observer team on 8 pm ET on 12 December (1:00 am UTC 13 December) for a GLOBE Observer Connect conversation with Callie Davis. During her summer internship with Dixie National Forest, Callie used the GLOBE Observer Land Cover tool to recreate a series of historic photos taken by her parents, who worked for the USDA Forest Service in the 1990s to survey the land. She will share some of the changes she observed.  >>

WEBINAR | Urban Heat Island (UHI) Intensive Observation Period (IOP): Application Areas of the UHI-IOP Campaign
GLOBE Mission Earth is hosting a webinar for the Urban Heat Island (UHI) Intensive Observation Period (IOP) on Thursday, 27 February 2025, at 3 pm ET (8 pm UTC). More information to come.  >>

WEBINAR | Urban Heat Island (UHI) Intensive Observation Period (IOP): What to Do With Your Data
GLOBE Mission Earth is hosting a webinar for the Urban Heat Island (UHI) Intensive Observation Period (IOP) on Monday, 28 April 2025, at 3 pm ET (7 pm UTC). More information to come.  >>

WEBINAR | Urban Heat Island (UHI) Intensive Observation Period (IOP): Focus on Past and Completed UHI-IOP Projects
GLOBE Mission Earth is hosting a webinar for the Urban Heat Island (UHI) Intensive Observation Period (IOP) on Friday, 16 May 2025, at 3 pm ET (7 pm UTC). More information to come.  >>

07/14/2025 - 07/17/2025
2025 GLOBE Annual Meeting
The GLOBE Implementation Office (GIO) is excited to announce that we’ve set the date for the 2025 GLOBE Annual Meeting: 14–17 July 2025. The meeting will be held in the Washington, D.C., area of the United States, and the theme is 30 Years of GLOBE: Understanding the Past, Present, and Future.   >>