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U.S. GLOBE Weekly Watercooler: Partner Yearbook

The 2021 Yearbook was completed this summer, and we are getting started on 2022. We have heard from many different people who have engaged with the 2021 Yearbook, from teachers to NASA leaders to Congresspeople. This is an easy way for us to share the good work being done by the entire U.S. GLOBE community. Big or small, you are making an impact. Join the U.S. GLOBE Coordination Office for a GLOBE Partner Yearbook work session where you can work on your page, ask questions, and learn about the opportunity to receive a stipend to support travel and lodging costs for the 2023 North American Regional Meeting (submitting a yearbook page is essential for this funding)!

Register to join:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

** Catch up on Watercoolers you missed here **

Event Topics: Meetings

Events origin: United States of America
