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2023 Northwest (U.S.) Regional Student Research Symposium

Educators, students, U.S. Partners, scientists and alumni from the Northwest region are invited to gather and discuss GLOBE student research projects at the Northwest Student Research Symposium (SRS). This event will include poster presentations of student research, an opportunity to meet and talk with scientists and STEM professionals, professional development for educators, and networking and collaboration opportunities for all participants.

The Northwest Region is comprised of Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Washington, and Wyoming.

Students from Kenny Lake presenting their poster. Photo by M. House

 Photo by M. House

Please follow this page and the SRS webpage for the most current information. 

Location: The University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK

Hosts: University of Alaska Fairbanks (Christina Buffington, Elena Sparrow, Katie Spellman), Association of Interior Native Educators, Fresh Eyes on Ice project, Arctic and Earth SIGNs project

Tentative Agenda: 

Sunday, April 23

 4:00 - 5:00 pm 

 Check-in, registration

 5:00 - 7:00 pm  Dinner 
 7:00 - 8:00 pm  Registration, poster practice time


Monday, April 24

7:45 am - 8:45 am  Breakfast (and continued registration)
9:00 am

 Opening blessing, symposium kickoff and ice breaker

9:30 am

 Activity stations (poster presentations, GLOBEcaching, be a snow scientist)

12:00 pm  Lunch
1:00 pm

 Continued activity stations from the morning

2:00 pm

 Afternoon activities (Students: storytelling, ice data jam. Educators: Phenology professional development)

 Reviewer deliberations

3:45 pm  End of day ceremony
4:30 pm  Tanagwichukon drumming, singing and dancing
5:00 pm  Dinner
6:00 pm   Poster viewing and photos


Tuesday, April 25: Be a college student for a day!

7:45 am - 8:45 am  Breakfast
9:15 am

 Transportation to Troth Yeddha’ campus, University of Alaska
Museum of the North

9:50 am

 Land Acknowledgement

10:15 am  Campus Activities (Museum of the North, Walking tour)
12:00 pm


1:00 pm

 Campus Activities (Museum of the North, Walking tour)

 2:30 pm  Closing
 3:00 pm   Depart


Research Projects:

Student projects will be presented in a poster presentation format. Poster size should be no more than 36" by 48". All projects must use GLOBE protocols or GLOBE data, and data collected should be entered in the GLOBE Database. If you have questions about data entry, please contact your cooperating Partnership.

For more information on the poster review process, see the SRS Project Review webpage.

Participant Travel Support:

Educators may apply for travel funding support by completing the Funding Application by February 1, 2023 with rolling awards after. For more information and eligibility, please see the SRS Logistics page. 

Lodging accommodations on April 23 and 24 will be provided for sponsored teachers and students. Breakfast, lunch and dinner on April 24 and breakfast and lunch on April 25 will be provided to all participants.


What should I wear?

Presentation day is business casual. A GLOBE polo shirt will be provided for all student presenters. For other days, wear regular school clothing. Students be spending time outdoors, so jackets, hats and mittens, and appropriate footwear (i.e. waterproof boots or snow boots) are recommended for outdoor activity. There is still a lot of snow in Fairbanks, and it is turning to slush and mud during the day.

Should students bring spending money?

Meals during the event will be provided to all participants. If your team is funded through GLOBE, meals during travel will be covered as well. Students are welcome to bring money for other incidentals, but it is not necessary. 

Event Topics: Science Symposia and Fairs

Events origin: United States of America
