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At Stone Child College, GLOBE Bridges Indigenous and Western Ways of Knowing

View from Stone Child
View from Stone Child College with
January data. Photo credit: Douglas Crebs.

GLOBE partner Stone Child College is a tribal college located on the Chippewa Cree Rocky Boy Reservation in north central Montana. Douglas Crebs, partner liaison, is a member of the Natural Resources and Geospatial Technology faculty. Douglas collects and reports GLOBE pedosphere and atmosphere data that he uses for his teaching and his research.

Douglas uses the GLOBE data as part of atmospheric sciences weekly labs for lower-level undergraduate courses where students study climate change. He is using the data most recently to inform a project proposal to obtain greenhouses as part of agricultural research.

Douglas, a long time resident of the Rocky Boy community, says aspects of GLOBE fit well with the indigenous way of knowing. Interconnection and interdependence are important concepts in both indigenous and Western scientific ways of knowing. He points to the four spheres of GLOBE that comprise the one Earth System as compatible with both the indigenous and Western scientific perspectives.


type: globe-news

News origin: United States of America
