News - University of Arkansas
GLOBE Program Tech Update
As always, GLOBE continues to work to ensure that your “use” of the website, and associated apps, is as user-friendly as possible. Check out the latest tech updates:
The Website:
Coming in November, GLOBE members will note a few changes when signing in to the website. Visually, these will affect the placement of where a user goes to manage, as well as to add content to pages. The changes are all a part of the upcoming website software upgrade. The upgrade will also include a faster and more secure system with improved site features. In order to better help the community understand the new changes, there will be a series of news articles and video tutorials with step-by-step directions. Look for those each week in GLOBE News this fall.
Observer App:
Phase 1 of the Data Entry app merger into the GLOBE Observer app will now not be available until December 2020. This merger has been delayed due to the needs of the team to complete the software upgrade (detailed in the above), and to give ample time for the community to understand and familiarize themselves with that upgrade.
Phase 1 of the merger will include the atmosphere protocols, and will allow users to add temperature, rainfall, and other atmospheric measurements directly within the GLOBE Observer app. It will also allow the general public to more easily participate with GLOBE by making observations as a citizen scientist.
Have questions, or need assistance, contact the GLOBE Community Support Team at:
type: globe-newsNews origin: GLOBE Implementation Office