
Asset Publisher

Read the Latest Community Blog “Did You Dump Out the Water? When to Answer “No” to Eliminating a Mosquito Breeding Site When Using the GO Mosquito Habitat Mapper”
In a recent GLOBE Community Blog, Dr. Russanne (Rusty) Low, GLOBE Mission Mosquito Science Lead, answers questions submitted by community members using the GLOBE Observer (GO) Mosquito Habitat Mapper tool regarding what to do when mosquitoes are found in a natural habitat, such as an estuary or wetland.  >>

Attending the 2019 GLOBE Annual Meeting in Detroit this Summer? Then BE with GLOBE!
Are you planning to attend the 2019 GLOBE Annual Meeting in Detroit, Michigan, USA, this summer? Then maybe it’s time for you to Benefit the Environment (BE) with GLOBE!  >>

U.S. Teachers: Teacher Watercooler Meetup Today (09 May)
U.S. GLOBE Teachers: Join the GLOBE Professional Learning Community (PLC) and hear how other GLOBE teachers use GLOBE with their students during a Teacher Watercooler meet-up at 7:00 p.m. ET on Thursday, 09 May.  >>

April 2019 Global Shout-Outs for Trees Around the GLOBE Research Campaign Measurements
The GLOBE Program would like to give a big “shout-out” to the top most active GLOBE participants taking at least 10 measurements for tree height, greenings, and land cover measurements for the campaign in April.  >>

Today (08 May): GLOBE Mission Mosquito Education Webinar #7: “Protection and Prevention”
Educators – Join the GLOBE Mission Mosquito (GMM) Field Measurement Campaign Webinar #7 “Protection and Prevention” on Wednesday, 08 May, at 2:00 p.m. ET.  >>

Middle and High School Teachers: New “Sun” Teaching Box Available
A new University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) Center for Science Education (SciEd) “Sun” Teaching Box (for middle and high school students) is now available!  >>

Today (07 May): Trees Around the GLOBE Campaign Webinar “Tree Height, Wetlands, and the Invasive Task Force – Live from New York”
On Tuesday, 07 May, the Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign webinar “Tree Height, Wetlands, and the Invasive Task Force – Live from New York,” will be held at 2:30 p.m. EDT (6:30 UTC).  >>

Today (03 May): Join a Zoom Broadcast Straight from the Northwest Student Research Symposium
Join us Friday, 03 May, at 10:30 a.m. PT (1:30 p.m. ET) from the Northwest Student Research Symposium, which is taking place at Beach Camp in Edmunds, Washington, USA.  >>

Share Your STEM Stories with GLOBE
GLOBE is gathering stories of students, teachers, and alumni who have been influenced by their GLOBE experiences to pursue STEM education.  >>

U.S. K-12 Teachers: Deadline to Apply for Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Semester, Cycle II, is 06 May
U.S. K-12 Teachers: Applications for the Fulbright Distinguished Awards in Teaching Short-Term Program for U.S. Teachers (Fulbright DAST), Cycle II, is 06 May – for projects taking place in 12 countries between October 2019 and May 2020.  >>