
Asset Publisher

GLOBE Community? Ready to Join a Current GLOBE Field Measurement Campaign? Start Today!
Tip of the Week: It’s easy to join, and participate in, one of the current GLOBE field campaigns! Collect your data and put it to immediate use!  >>

Join the GLOBE Community: eTraining Availabe Now – Protocol Training Made Easy!
Tip of the Week: GLOBE eTraining provides the opportunity for new and existing GLOBE users to complete science protocol training at anytime, anywhere. GLOBE eTraining consists of multiple downloadable training modules, interactive digital field and lab experiences, online assessments for each module, and access to support through online discussion forums. Thanks to eTraining, teachers can join the GLOBE community today!  >>

U.S. GLOBE Teachers: 22-26 April is National Environmental Education Week!
From 22-26 April, the National Environmental Education Foundation (NEEF) is hosting the nation’s largest celebration of environmental education for the 15th Annual National Environmental Education Week (U.S. only). Each year, NEEF partners with educators, students, government agencies, businesses, communities, nonprofit organizations, and others to inspire environmental learning and encourage stewardship of essential resources: land, air, and water.  >>

2019 IVSS Projects Are Due 10 April! Ready to Serve as a Judge?
The deadline for submitting projects to the 2019 International Virtual Science Symposium (IVSS) is fast approaching – 10 April! It’s time to complete, and upload, your invaluable contribution to science and research.  >>

Teachers: New Tornadoes Teaching Box Now Available – Make a Tornado in Your Classroom!
A new University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) Center for Science Education (SciEd) Tornadoes Teaching Box is now available!  >>

NASA STEM Educator Professional Development Collaborative (EPDC) at Texas State University Offers April Webinars Using GLOBE Resources
The NASA STEM Educator Professional Development Collaborative (EPDC) is presenting a series of webinars open to all educators. Two upcoming April webinars use GLOBE resources and insight – are you ready to explore soil and the hydrosphere?  >>

Eighteen Countries Celebrate Anniversary with The GLOBE Program in April
Congratulations to the eighteen GLOBE countries celebrating anniversaries of successful GLOBE implementation during the month of April.  >>

United States Hosts Successful North American Regional Meeting and Atmosphere Training Workshop in Hampton, Virginia, USA
The NASA Langley Research Center Partnership hosted the North America Regional Meeting (NARM) and an Atmosphere Professional Learning Workshop, 05-07 March, in Hampton, Virginia, USA.  >>

April Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign Intensive Observation Period Has Begun!
The Trees Around the GLOBE Campaign’s April Intensive Observation Period (IOP) is on! IOPs are focused periods of time where participants are encouraged to collect large amounts of data and enter it in the GLOBE database. Data that are collected during the IOP will provide GLOBE students, scientists, researchers, and educators large amounts of concentrated data over a short period of time. The April IOP will be focused on Land Cover.  >>

Tech Update March 2019
Several enhancements were made, or were in progress, during the month of March 2019.  >>