News - University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus
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Surface Temperature Field Campaign Sees Warmest Temps in Eastern United States. Read Dr. C’s Latest Blog
As of the second week of the 2015 Surface Temperature Field Campaign, 26 schools, eight countries, and 9 US states had entered 414 observations – showing the warmest temperatures seen to date in any field campaign in the eastern United States.
Register as a GLOBE Alumnus!
If you have participated in GLOBE as a student, we encourage you to register to become a member of the GLOBE Alumni Organization.
Deadline for Applications for 2016 GLOBE Distinguished Educator Fellowship Extended to 05 January 2016
Applications for the 2016 GLOBE Distinguished Educator Fellowship are now due on 05 January 2016.
GISN Members: Please Update Your Profile
The GLOBE Implementation Office has created a short slide deck with instructions on how to update your GISN profile and how to make and upload a GISN video.
20th GLOBE Annual Meeting Will be Held in Estes Park, Colorado, USA
The 20th GLOBE Annual Meeting and Student Research Experience will be held in Estes Park, Colorado, USA, from 17-22 July 2016!
Join the Climate Change Conversation: Middle and High School Webinar Series Hosted by the Wayne RESA ICCARS Professional Learning Network
Join hosts David Bydlowski and Andy Henry for the Wayne RESA ICCARS (Investigating Climate Change and Remote Sensing) Professional Learning Network for the 2015-2016 School Year. The one hour meetings are held at 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. (ET). To join the conversation, visit: and click on the event calendar for full information.
GLOBE Teachers: AMS DataStreme Project Offers K-12 Teachers Science Courses for Graduate Credit
The American Meteorological Society (AMS) DataStreme project is a nationwide initiative that provides K-12 teachers the opportunity to take a weather, ocean, or climate science course for graduate credit.
GLOBE Welcomes Vietnam as Newest Partnering Country
A signing ceremony took place in Hanoi on 9 Dec 2015 welcoming Vietnam to the GLOBE community.
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