
Asset Publisher

Through Today (15 Nov): NASA GLOBE Clouds Fall Data Challenge: What’s Up in YOUR Sky?
The NASA GLOBE Clouds Fall Data Challenge is still on! Participants are invited to enter up to ten observations per day of clouds, dust, haze or smoke through 15 November.  >>

Getting Ready for the 2020 IVSS? Reports Due 10 March 2020!
GLOBE is excited to host the 2020 GLOBE International Virtual Science Symposium (IVSS)! The IVSS is a way for primary through undergraduate students from all GLOBE countries to showcase their research and hard work.  >>

GLOBE Latin America/Caribbean Students: Application for OAS Rowe Fund Open – Complete Your Education in the United States!
The Rowe Fund is an educational loan program of the Organization of American States (OAS) that helps citizens from Latin America and Caribbean OAS Member States finance their studies or research in accredited universities across the United States by awarding interest-free loans of up to $15,000 dollars.  >>

U.S. NOAA Announces Scholarship Opportunities for U.S. Undergraduates: 31 January 2020 Deadline!
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is pleased to announce the availability of scholarships for undergraduate students majoring in disciplines related to oceanic and atmospheric science, research, or technology – and supportive of the purposes of NOAA’s programs and mission. Over 100 students are selected each year for participation in the Ernest F. Hollings and Educational Partnership Program (EPP) scholarship programs.  >>

GLOBE Community Meets in Trieste Italy for 2019 Europe and Eurasia Meeting
Altogether, 24 countries were represented at the 2019 Europe and Eurasia Region GLOBE Program Annual Meeting, Conference and Training in Trieste, Italy from 21-25 October.  >>

GLOBE Announces New “Community Spotlight” Feature – Share Your Story with the GLOBE Community!
As a way of highlighting your invaluable dedication to the program, GLOBE would like to place a “spotlight” on you and your “GLOBE Story.” The goal is to share the stories of how working with GLOBE has impacted you – in your learning endeavors, classroom activities, scientific research, environmental observations, STEM career, and your overall journey of life.  >>

Explore Weather Phenomena with GLOBE Weather!
Developed to directly address the U.S.-based Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), this online curriculum unit is designed to help middle school students understand weather at local, regional, and global scales. We encourage all teachers to use this new and valuable resource.  >>

GLOBE Community: Is Your School on the Science Honor Roll? Recognition Made Easy!
Tip of the Week: Data collection and entry into the GLOBE science database is critically important for both students and scientists conducting scientific investigations. The GLOBE Science Honor Roll recognizes the data contributions of GLOBE students and schools. Has your school been on the Science Honor Roll? Is it time for your school to be on the Science Honor Roll?  >>

Tomorrow (12 Nov): Trees Around the GLOBE Webinar “Getting Comfortable with ICESat-2 Height Data and the Open Altimetry Online Tool”
On Tuesday, 12 November, the Trees Around the GLOBE Student Research Campaign webinar “Getting Comfortable with ICESat-2 Height Data and the Open Altimetry Online Tool” will be held at 2:00 p.m. EDT (7:00 p.m. UTC).  >>

Tomorrow (12 Nov): UHIE-Surface Temperature Field Campaign Webinar: “What Data Did You Collect in Your Neighborhood?”
Join the Urban Heat Island Effect (UHIE)-Surface Temperature Field Campaign Webinar #2 on 12 November (8:00 p.m. EST): “What Data Did You Collect in Your Neighborhood? What Does It Mean?”  >>