
Sometimes, actually most of the time, I forget to be grateful for the fact that I have easy access to clean freshwater. When Thanksgiving rolls around each year, I try to step back and consider the many things I have to be thankful for. Day after day I work with the amazing science team behind the Global Precipitation Measurement mission, and I never cease to be completely amazed at how technology has enabled us to monitor our home planet. 

During our last ENSO Phase III webinar, we learned about water quality in Europe from several GLOBE scientists, teachers, and students from many European countries. If you missed this webinar, you can watch the archive here. We will have our next Science and Collaboration webinar on Dec. 7th, and we will be focusing on the impact of water- both above and below the ground- on our environment. Please join us at 8 pm (EST)! 

There was a really interesting story posted on the Earth Observatory site on November 9th. It is entitled, "Africa's Great Lake Hanging in the Balance", and it focuses on the use of several NASA missions as well as using some ground-based data, to follow the rise and fall of Lake Chad. 

This article also explores the importance of having satellite measurements when it is not possible, due to conflicts or the unavailability of the proper scientific instruments, to gather environmental data in any other way. This is a fascinating article to share with your students and others to help them understand how some of the NASA Earth-observing satellite data are used for real-world applications. When you are teaching about freshwater resources, you might want to share these articles,  "Earth's Water Delivery: No Passport Required" and "Precious Freshness". 

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