
Changes to the GLOBE Website Coming

We've been busy for the last few months updating the GLOBE website with a new look and feel and new features.  The goal is to both refresh the site as well as to really highlight all the work everyone is doing.  You'll find new capabilities on the home page including an animation of the last 7 days worth of data, and a "leaderboard" for each protocol.  If you're looking for someone to collaborate, look at the leaderboard to find the most active teachers in any region or country.

Your My Pages will be changing too - featuring your training accomplishments, with more recognition and badging coming for individuals and countries.

We hope you like the new GLOBE site - let me know what you think, and if you have any suggestions..


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Thanks for your effort to make the homepage even more alive and attractive! I would like to know how the leaderboard works, more precisely how do you get the most active teachers up there? Are there any criteria for that?