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The GLOBE Clouds team is delighted to announce this new section that showcases sky and cloud photographs from around the world! We’ve also been receiving some amazing questions from students. The featured question was asked by students from Corpus Christi Catholic School: Question: Why can we see clouds but not evaporation? Answer: Water vapor is invisible. However, the water in clouds...

Posted in: Curriculum: STEM GLOBE Science Topics: Backyard Science Climate Climate Change General Science General Science @es Earth as a System Earth System Science Investigation Areas: Atmosphere Earth As a System News Topics: News Briefs Primary Audience: Alumni Country Coordinators Partners Scientists Students Teachers Trainers

The NASA GLOBE Clouds Quarterly Update is available for December, January, February 2023-2024! Coming Soon: Cloud Challenge 2024 The team is excited to announce that in 2024 we will have a Cloud Challenge focused on how clouds change throughout the day. First Long-Duration Lidar Satellite Mission CALIPSO Ends CALIPSO (Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations), a...

Posted in: GLOBE Science Topics: Backyard Science Climate Climate Change GLOBE Protocols Investigation Areas: Atmosphere Atmosphere » Clouds News Topics: News Briefs Primary Audience: Alumni Country Coordinators Partners Scientists Students Teachers Trainers

Join the NASA GLOBE Clouds team and become GLOBE trained in cloud observations. Learn why clouds are important, how does NASA study clouds, and what are satellite matches. The clouds pacing guides will be used as starting points on how to do cloud observations in your classrooms or educational settings. Sign up today!

Posted in: GLOBE Science Topics: Backyard Science Climate GLOBE Protocols Investigation Areas: Atmosphere Atmosphere » Clouds Earth As a System Atmosphere » Precipitation News Topics: Regions Training News Briefs Primary Audience: Teachers Trainers

Novedades trimestrales de NASA GLOBE Clouds Diciembre/Enero/Febrero 2022-2023 Las novedades trimestrales de NASA GLOBE Nubes 2022-2023 están disponibles. Anuncio acerca de NOAA-20 En 2023, será posible hacer coincidir tus observaciones satelitales con un nuevo satélite. Obtén más información sobre NOAA-20 y cómo aumentar la posibilidad de obtener una coincidencia con satélites. NASA GLOBE...

Posted in: GLOBE International STEM Network (GISN): GLOBE International STEM Network (GISN) GLOBE Science Topics: Backyard Science Climate Climate Change General Science @es GLOBE Protocols Earth as a System Earth System Science GLOBE Working Groups: Science Working Group Investigation Areas: Atmosphere Atmosphere » Clouds Earth As a System News Topics: News Briefs Primary Audience: Alumni Country Coordinators Partners Scientists Students Teachers Trainers

The NASA GLOBE Clouds Quarterly Update is available for winter 2022-23! NOAA-20 Announcement In 2023, it will be possible for you to match your satellite observations with a new satellite. Learn more about NOAA-20 and how to increase the chance to get a satellite match. NASA GLOBE CLOUD GAZE Ends in 2022 After achieving an incredible number of sky photos’ classification, NASA GLOBE CLOUD GAZE...

Posted in: GLOBE International STEM Network (GISN): GLOBE International STEM Network (GISN) GLOBE Science Topics: Backyard Science Climate Climate Change Earth System Science GLOBE Working Groups: Science Working Group Investigation Areas: Atmosphere Atmosphere » Clouds Earth As a System News Topics: News Briefs Primary Audience: Alumni Country Coordinators Partners Scientists Students Teachers Trainers