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Od 5. do 7. listopada 2021. održan je Regionalni GLOBE sastanak i to po drugi puta u online okruženju. To je dalo priliku uključivanja većeg broja učenika i edukatora iz GLOBE škola, što je zbog putovanja i troškova mnogo teže ostvariti kad su sastanci uživo. Prvog dana GLOBE sastanka predstavile su se 4 hrvatske škole u okviru teme Dobrobit za okoliš: OŠ Valentin Klarin, Preko i OŠ Šime Budinića u Zadru, s prikazom pilotiramja projekta utvrđivanja prisutnosti mikroplastike u moru, zatim OŠ Dubovac s projektom "Tko je vidio krijesnice?" i OS Eugena Kumičića, Slatina s učeničkim ...

Posted in: Student Research Reports: STANDARD RESEARCH REPORT

At the start of the month, i was invited by SAASTA, a body in South Africa that promotes science in schools to train teachers in 4 districts in 4 days in Mpumalanga. It took me 5hrs of drive from Pretoria to my first venue of training where 40 teachers from different schools welcomed us. Later on we proceeded to two other districts where at least 40 teachers at each venue were introduced to GLOBE, trained in two Atmospheric protocols, how to navigate the website, enter data and shown how to use the GLOBE observer App. The six hour day training empahasised the importance of intergrating ...

Posted in: GLOBE Working Groups: EDUCATION WORKING GROUP   Primary Audience: TRAINERS

Natural cycles are occurring all around us all the time-- but do you notice them? Place-based observation cultivates childrens’ innate sense of wonder while learning about data collection, ecosystems, climate, and plants. This series incorporates resources about leaf color change from the Natural Inquirer and Green-Down Data Collection Protocol from GLOBE to start off the school year engaging upper elementary students with seasonal change. These can be used as-is, or can be grounded in a year-long observation routine of a study site using GLOBE’s What Can We Learn About Our Seasons? ...

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Ghana GLOBE in March 2021 collaborated with Noguchi Memorial Institute to train four schools within Greater Accra and its environs on how to identify Mosquito species in their communities.   A total of 20 students,  four teachers and two STEM Coordinators were trained.  As a pilot project,  GLOBE Ghana Coordinator Ms. Berthy Buah took the opportunity to sensitize the schools on the importance of engaging in GLOBE activities in their schools and the numerous benefits awaits them if taken seriously.  Scientists from the Parasitology department also encouraged ...

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ALIA, along with the Australian Space Agency and The Office of the Chief Scientist, and with help from Science Time From Space, is very excited to be able to bring an additional science and educational component to NSS 2021 – a science experiment from the International Space Station! The experiment is designed to shed some light on the important issue of climate change. The science concept shown will be that changing the surface of Earth results in changes to sun/earth/space heat balance. When we change the surface of the Earth from trees, oceans and dirt to concrete, bare fields and ...


The University of New Hampshire Carbon Cycle team has started to curate a list of resources that compliment GLOBE Carbon Cycle activities and Protocols . These include videos, websites, peer reviewed articles, and a Q&A section with Dr. Scott Ollinger , ecosystem ecologist at UNH and PI on the Carbon Cycle Project. These resources have been sent to us over the past few years, and have found a home here: .  As we encounter more, we will continue to build this list. If you have resources that ...

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