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Beste mensen, Het effect van de uitzonderlijk zachte winter op de natuur is ook bij de media niet onopgemerkt gebleven. In de uitzending van het KRO programma Brandpunt op zondag 16 maart komt het onderwerp aan bod. Zie . Het item begint op 23:20. Verder zat ik op zondag 9 maart in het programma Jinek op Zondag. Dit is terug te zien op . Tenslotte zat ik op woensdag 19 maart in het EO-programma 'Melk en Honing'. De uitzending is terug te bekijken op . Vriendelijke groeten, Arnold


Blog originally posted on The GLOBE Scientists' Blog: To say that the journey to the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro was a success would not do justice to the wonderful personal and scientific experiences the team had.  From taking the first steps toward the summit on Sunday 23 September to summiting the following week and boarding flights to return home, each team member gained something that will stay with them forever. Collecting data in the rainforest ...

Posted in: Field Campaigns: SEASONS AND BIOMES   GLOBE Science Topics: CLIMATE CHANGE CLIMATE

Blog originally posted on the GLOBE Scientists' Blog: Monday, 1 October was the final day of The Xpedition. After an exciting summit day, the team continues on their descent and is picked up to head back to Arusha, where they will enjoy a well-deserved meal. Unloading the equipment after a successful trip  Throughout the entire journey, the team relied on the use of porters, who are local Tanzanians who carry equipment up the mountain. These porters are essential to a ...

Posted in: Field Campaigns: SEASONS AND BIOMES   GLOBE Science Topics: CLIMATE CHANGE CLIMATE

Blog originally posted on The GLOBE Scientists' Blog: On Sunday, 30 September, the team made it to the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro. The summit sits at 5,895 m (19,340 ft) above sea level. What a fantastic accomplishment for the team!   Team at the summit Hiking on a glacier near the summit After the team spendt time celebrating their success, they began their descent, stopping at 3,200 m (10,498 ft) at Mweka Camp. To celebrate the ...

Posted in: Field Campaigns: SEASONS AND BIOMES   GLOBE Science Topics: CLIMATE CHANGE CLIMATE

Blog originally posted on The GLOBE Scientists' Blog: As you may have noticed, the Scientist Blog was quiet for the past two days.  As is to be expected, things can change rapidly on the mountain and the ability for the team to send us their daily blogs was interrupted.  The team safely continued on their journey, and have sent us their blogs. Day Eight was Saturday, 29 September.  The team journeyed from 4,877 m (16,000 ft) to 5,608 m (18,399 ft).  ...

Posted in: Field Campaigns: SEASONS AND BIOMES   GLOBE Science Topics: CLIMATE CHANGE CLIMATE

Blog originally posted on The GLOBE Scientists' Blog: Today the team continues on their journey to the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro by traveling from the Karanga Camp, situated at 3,962 m (12,998 ft), to the Kossovo Camp at 4,877 m (16,000 ft). This leg of the journey takes the team back to the alpine desert biome. Part of the team stops for a photo While this biome is found on Mt. Kilimanjaro, it is also found in many other mountain ranges, including but not limited ...

Posted in: Field Campaigns: SEASONS AND BIOMES   GLOBE Science Topics: CLIMATE CHANGE CLIMATE

Blog originally posted on The GLOBE Scientists' Blog: A morning at camp  The team is now over halfway done with their trek to the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania.  The journey began on Sunday 23 September as the team left Basecamp and hiked to Forest Camp.  You can read all about their journey starting here . A view of Mt. Kilimanjaro from the trail  Today’s part of the trek up Kilimanjaro takes the team back down in elevation, ...

Posted in: Field Campaigns: SEASONS AND BIOMES   GLOBE Science Topics: CLIMATE CHANGE CLIMATE

Blog originally posted on The GLOBE Scientists' Blog: Today marks another transition between biomes – from heath zone to alpine desert.  An alpine desert is a harsh, dry, windy region that consists of mostly bare rock and ice.  Temperatures during the day can soar to 38°C, while at night can be below freezing.  The air is very thin, which results in labored breathing as well as more intense solar radiation.  The Lava Tower camp sits at approximately 5,029 m (16,499 ft). ...

Posted in: Field Campaigns: SEASONS AND BIOMES   GLOBE Science Topics: CLIMATE CHANGE CLIMATE

Blog originally posted on The GLOBE Scientists' Blog: Today the team will hike from Shira 1 Camp to Moir Hut (Shira 2 Camp on the map below).  This part of the journey will take the team further into the heath zone.  As discussed yesterday , the heath zone is a zone of sparse vegetation due to lower rainfall amounts.   The route the team is taking: the western approach route The team stops for a discussion about soils Today’s question focuses ...

Posted in: Field Campaigns: SEASONS AND BIOMES   GLOBE Science Topics: CLIMATE CHANGE CLIMATE

Blog originally posted on The GLOBE Scientists' Blog: Today the team heads from 2,438 m to 3,505 m above sea level.  This portion of the journey will take the team from rain forest to heath zone.  A rain forest is characterized by high rainfall, with annual totals ranging from 1750-2000 mm (68-78 in).  A heath zone is above the forest line, where porous soils and lower rainfall result in sparser vegetation. Leaving the rain forest heading to the heath zone ...

Posted in: Field Campaigns: SEASONS AND BIOMES   GLOBE Science Topics: CLIMATE CHANGE CLIMATE

Blog originally posted on The GLOBE Scientists' Blog: Packed and ready for the journey   Today, Sunday, 23 September, the team packs up the vehicles and heads off on their journey.  Their itinerary for the day includes a few hours’ drive from basecamp followed by a 3 hour hike to Forest Camp, located at 2,438 m above sea level. Taking a quick break on the hike   The bloggers were asked the following question as they set off on their ...

Posted in: Field Campaigns: SEASONS AND BIOMES   GLOBE Science Topics: CLIMATE CLIMATE CHANGE

Blog originally posted on the GLOBE Scientists' Blog: Beginning on 23 September, five GLOBE students, teachers and scientists and one GLOBE alum will join commence on a journey through the biomes of Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, Africa. Known as, “the Xpedidion,” the 2012 trek marks the fifth year of this exciting journey. This year will be bigger than ever as a documentary film crew will join us. In addition, we will be sharing images via ...


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