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This week’s blog post comes to us from Dr. Janis Steele and Dr. Brooks McCutchen. Drs. Steele and McCutchen, along with their three sons, have been aboard Research Vessel Llyr since April 24, 2013. Read about their adventure in the Intertropical Convergence Zone here . When people think of life in the seas, it is often the majestic that comes to mind, such aswhales, sharks, rays and coral reefs, or our own sustenance in the form of the fish that feed billions of us around the world.  Rarely do we think of plankton, the tiny organisms found across the world's oceans. Plankton ...

Posted in: GLOBE Science Topics: GENERAL SCIENCE EARTH AS A SYSTEM   Investigation Areas: HYDROSPHERE

Blog originally posted on The GLOBE Scientists' Blog: This week we are beginning our Full Length Mississippi series, and we will team back up with Mike Link and Kate Crawley.  Link and Crawley highlighted pieces of their Full Circle Superior journey with the GLOBE Scientists’ Blog last year through a series of posts, the first of which you can read here .  They are starting on a new adventure and commitment to the issue of fresh water: a ...

Posted in: Field Campaigns: WATERSHEDS   GLOBE Science Topics: EARTH AS A SYSTEM   Investigation Areas: HYDROSPHERE