Community Blogs

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If you clicked on a link to this page due to some intriguing headline, I hope you will not be too disappointed. A momentary lapse in judgement inspired me to ask the GLOBE Implementation Office (GIO) for a Blog tab and now that it is here; it’s been waiting for some content. My intent was to fill this with guest bloggers, U.S. teachers in particular, writing about how they are implementing GLOBE in their classrooms. There weren’t any volunteers. [sad face] Until I can entice a couple of GLOBE teachers, you get me, Jen Bourgeault. I have had the pleasure and honor of being the U.S. ...

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The third and fourth grade students whom I work with at Cedar Grove ES asked me what will happen once the El Nino conditions begin to subside, and I admitted that I really wasn't sure. So, we used the internet and looked it up! We found a website that answered our question!  Discovery News has a great article with videos and graphics at .  This article suggests that this strong El Nino season may be followed by a La Nina event. Like all good ...

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Dorian Janney, GLOBE Scientist Mentor Blog for El Nino Field Campaign   I have had the pleasure of working with two groups of elementary school students this year as their GLOBE mentor. They attend Cedar Grove Elementary School in Clarksburg, MD. My primary goal was to install an instrument box with a rain gauge and a multi-day thermometer at their school, and to help them collect and report data to GLOBE.  Here they are collecting data:   As we observed the weather patterns, they began to ask what the difference was between weather and climate. I gave ...

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Why should we study mosquitos in our area? By Mullica Jaroensutasinee, Krisanadej Jaroensutasinee, Walailak University Rebecca Boger, Brooklyn College and Elena Sparrow, UAF Before we try to answer this, we should ask ourselves about how much do we know about them? For example, how many mosquito species present in our area? Would they carry some diseases? Where are their main breeding sites? Would they prefer to bite kids than adults and elderly? What time of year? What time of day would they most active (biting us)? Let us give you some example on mosquitos that ...

Posted in: GLOBE Working Groups: SCIENCE WORKING GROUP

Thai Coral Reef and Climate Change Assoc. Prof. Krisanadej Jaroensutasinee, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mullica Jaroensutasinee, Centre of Excellence for Ecoinformatics, Walailak University, Thailand Everybody loves to spend their vacation snorkling or diving, seeing coral reef, reef fish and other marine creature. Would it be very sad when we go diving and see lots of dead corals? Of course, we would. What can we do to prevent this to happen? How can we and our students involve in some coral conservation? It is everyone responsibility to help improve our world to be a better place to live ...

Posted in: GLOBE Working Groups: SCIENCE WORKING GROUP

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