DEI Task Force

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force

Important: The GLOBE DEI Task Force has transitioned into the GLOBE Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility (DEIA) Working group. For all current information related to DEIA at GLOBE, check out the GLOBE DEIA Working Group page.

With the support of GLOBE Program Sponsors from NASA and NSF, in the fall of 2019 the GLOBE DEI Task Force was formed with the goal of creating a GLOBE statement and implementation plan on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. In February 2020 the group met in Boulder, Colorado for a DEI workshop, and to begin working on these statements. This group has met monthly ever since to collaboratively produce the statements shown below. These statements and action plan were presented to the GLOBE Community at the 2020 Virtual Meeting. A recording of this presentation can be found on GLOBE's Annual Meeting videos page

DEI Task Force Members


Shadrack Agyiri (Ghana) Jill Karsten (USA)
Jennifer Bourgeault (USA) Julie Malmberg (USA)
Katie Chapman (USA) Josette Neal-De-Stanton (USA)
Kimberly Davis (USA) David Padgett (USA)
Mindi DePaola (USA) Richard Parsons (USA)
Francis Emralino (Philippines) Marina Pavlic (Croatia)
Wrayna Fairchild (USA) Ana Prieto (Argentina)
Trena Ferrell (USA) Nate Raynor (USA)
Rosalba Giarratano (USA) Juan Felipe Restrepo Mesa (Colombia)
Kate Goss (USA) Elena Sparrow (USA)
Nikitah Imani (USA) Josephine Joy Tolentino (Philippines)

Action Plan (detailed):

  • Create DEI Working Group
  • Administer DEI Assessments
  • Build a DEI Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
  • Develop DEI based Resources
  • Establish DEI Training Opportunities
  • Form DEI Supportive Partnerships
  • Find funding for DEI
  • Communicate DEI Initiatives

To see translations of the draft DEI Definitions, Mission, Vision and overview of the Draft Action Plan, click here.

Recent DEIA-Related Blog Posts


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null National Simultaneous Storytime...from space!

ALIA, along with the Australian Space Agency and The Office of the Chief Scientist, and with help from Science Time From Space, is very excited to be able to bring an additional science and educational component to NSS 2021 – a science experiment from the International Space Station!
The experiment is designed to shed some light on the important issue of climate change. The science concept shown will be that changing the surface of Earth results in changes to sun/earth/space heat balance. When we change the surface of the Earth from trees, oceans and dirt to concrete, bare fields and roads and increase CO2 levels in the atmosphere, we change the temperature on Earth and its atmosphere.
Astronauts on the International Space Station will use heat sources and a ball to represent earth and show how changes to the surface of the balls result in different temperature on the balls. This experiment will be shared by video so that NSS participants can see the results.
We need your help! We all calling on NSS participants to join the experiment as citizen scientists. You will need to collect temperature data and share the data you collect. This, along with satellite data, will be used to map the temperature of Australia.
Objectives for participants:
1. Become involved in science and learn from their involvement.
2. Learn that data is of key importance to solving problems.
3. Contribute to temperature data and share that data with other kids in Australia.
4. Learn about Satellite data – how does a satellite get these measurements and how does it help?
5. Determine if their temperature readings are consistent with satellite data.
6. Understand that adding in satellite data helps to give a full picture of what is happening with temperatures throughout Australia.
7. Use arithmetic to find average temperatures.
8. Use Mapping skills to map temperatures around Australia.
9. To understand global warming, this whole process has to be done over the whole Earth, over a long period of time, like 100 years, but the principles can be explored locally.
10. To understand that when scientists talk about global warming, they are utilizing data gathered over a long period of time, actually much longer than 100 years.
The activity is designed to shed some light on this large and very important issue of climate change. We want to obtain a great number of temperature observations from all around Australia and to share these measurements with all the participants. By students plotting these measurements on a map of Australia we can learn two key things: first, the measurements are quite easy to take and will lead us to better understand how temperatures around Australia vary; and second, we can obtain these only where people live, leaving out much of the land area of Australia, and almost all of the sea area around Australia.