
Entries with Investigation Areas Earth As a System .

Earlier this summer, scientists predicted about a 75% chance of a La Niña following the El Niño from 2015-2016. But now, a La Niña is most likely not going to happen, with a 40% chance as of September. Last Spring, waters in the Pacific Ocean seemed to be cooling off. This is an indicator of a La Niña weather pattern. Scientists have now noticed that these water temperatures have been leveling...

Posted in: Field Campaigns: El Niño Investigation Areas: Atmosphere Earth As a System Hydrosphere Pedosphere (Soil) Biosphere Primary Audience: Trainers Teachers Students Partners Scientists Alumni Country Coordinators

As you might know, NASA came out with a statement that July 2016 was the hottest month on record, ever! Since the 2015-2016 El Niño event began in October 2015, each month has set a new record for the hottest month on record. Even though we are currently in a period of neutrality, we are on the tails of an El Niño and quite possibly about to enter a La Niña. "Since October 2015, every month...

Posted in: Field Campaigns: El Niño Investigation Areas: Atmosphere Earth As a System Hydrosphere Pedosphere (Soil) Biosphere Primary Audience: Trainers Teachers Students Partners Scientists Alumni Country Coordinators