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Finding GLOBE Data - many data are there?

Ilona Krpcová, modified 11 Years ago.
Padawan Posts: 15 Join Date: 2/6/12 Recent Posts

I have few questions about possibilities how to find GLOBE data which we need now or in future. I understand that the new system is not still complete and may be that new database will be better finally emoticon.

Do you plane, that the visualization will be the only access to GLOBE data? Will be there some other "smart ways" how to search data more effectively? I really miss some benefits of the old web - we and our teachers used to work with data. For example how can I solve this problems?

1. I need to now, how many data sent our schools during last year. How can I find it out?

2. I need to find any school with longterm meteorological dataset from country XY for comparing their data with our data. How can I do it fast?

3. I want to check all hydrological (meteorological) data of our school have been sent to database. Is there/will be there another way beside check one data layer after another?

Thans for answer, it will be really helpful
Jonathan Lang (inactive), modified 11 Years ago.
Jedi Knight Posts: 92 Join Date: 12/5/11 Recent Posts
Ilona, Very good questions. Several things are in the development stage to provide options to search for data with other techniques besides using the map.

We just finished reviewing some of the capabilities that used to exist for country coordinators to look at how schools were entering protocol data, and enhancements are planned on the new system to give you similar capabilities again.

I will work with the Science and Education Team at the GPO to set up a online webinar to assist you and the community with your data comparison questions.

The multi-protocol by investigation area table reporting for schools is a good feature request and I do some investigation into the difficulty and priority of adding that.
Kevin Czajkowski, modified 11 Years ago.
Youngling Posts: 5 Join Date: 1/9/12 Recent Posts
Here are 3 suggestions

1. Currently, we cannot access data from multiple days and multiple locations in one table. That is one of the best parts of the old database.

2. Also, when downloading tables of data from the visualization tool, the latitude and longitude only contain 2 decimals. We need as many decimals as possible in order to bring the data into GIS software. Here is an example:

School Name Site Name Latitude Longitude Elevation Measured Value
Abu Bakr As-Siddiq Intermediate School at Al-Madinah Al-Monawarah School (shelter):ATM-01 24.27 39.39 635 29.4
Alexander von Humboldt Gymnasium Radolfzell Mogginger Steig:ATM-02 47.45 8.59 386.8 17.7

3. In the kmz files, the data that is imported into Google Earth needs to include the name of the school, city, state and country.


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