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Partner Workshop Admin ideas

Marcy Seavey, modified 10 Years ago.
Jedi Knight Posts: 69 Join Date: 3/30/12 Recent Posts
First - I had not been in the workshop admin area since about a week after the training in St. Paul last summer. I really like this version and that it is a pop-up. I love the tab titles, they are simple and clear!!!

I have a couple more suggestions for features I would like to see, mostly related to navigating between the workshop creation pages and also between the workshop admin info and the main site info.

1). In WORKSHOP SEARCH, the ID number should link to MANAGE WORKSHOP as well as or instead of the LOCATION. It isn't obvious that the location should link to the workshop management page because a location can also have a details page (like the info you see when you click on a participant name in the PEOPLE TRAINED AT WORKSHOPS lists) and an organization profile page. If I was new to GLOBE I would expect the location link to go to a list of workshops that had been held at that location...maybe.

2) In WORKSHOP SEARCH It would be nice to be able to toggle on and off some of the columns including a couple of additional columns - number of participants in roster and number graduated. For example, If I had multiple workshops coming up, I would really like being able to see how many people were currently on the roster of all of them at the same time. Also, I really don't need the "partner/organization" column taking up screen space when all the workshops I am viewing are 'me'. A toggle would be very nice!

3) In WORKSHOP SEARCH, I LOVE the export to file option and the advanced filter. Is it possible to export the workshop information, correct anything that is wrong and then upload the corrected data? I notice that all of my historic workshops have an audience of "not specified", also all my trainers are missing (*cry* we took extra time to update those before the new site came out!). I would like to correct stuff like this without giving the help desk more work emoticon

4) In MANAGE WORKSHOP, the pre-workshop list REALLY needs a step 2.5 and every step needs a link from the step page to the next step and the previous step. As it works right now, we do step 1 but can not activate the workshop because trainers are not assigned. Then we assign trainers but once the trainers are assigned there isn't a link from trainer assignment to step 3...but that isn't the next step anyway...the next step is to go BACK to step one and activate the workshop. Activate the workshop should be it's own step even if the link just goes back to the same page as step 1. This is actually two different issues - the need for an activate the workshop step and the need to be able to navigate between steps without having to hit the workshop search button.

5) In PEOPLE TRAINED at WORKSHOPS, Either add another column with a link to profile or make the link in name open the profile link in another window. I want to be able to go to the participant's training record OR their profile.

6) In PEOPLE TRAINED AT WORKSHOPS, again it would be nice to be able to turn columns on and off and to select a few additional optional columns including first and last reporting date. Again, as the partnership coordinator I don't really need to view the column that tells me I created all these workshops...but I would like to see which of these teachers are active. Maybe even a column for their forum post title (newbie, jedi, etc.).

7) In SCHOOLS WITH PEOPLE TRAINED, I'd like to be able to export this list like the people and workshop lists. This one would be helpful when I am targeting a certain part of the state, etc. Some additional columns I'd like to see: first report date, last report date, city, county, has new posts on organization page, has new reports in student report area...

8) in SCHOOLS WITH PEOPLE TRAINED, would like a link to the organization's profile page, the list of trained teachers (that is what you get when clicking on the org. name now), and the organization's data all available from this page.

Thanks for considering!


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