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"breadcrumbs" in the teacher guide section of the website

Marcy Seavey, modified 10 Years ago.
Jedi Knight Posts: 69 Join Date: 3/30/12 Recent Posts
So I am preparing for my next GLOBE PD workshop and we are going to have the participants complete their own investigations about the relationship between two different temperature measurements during the 2 week institute. Normally I would just print everything for them from my CD, but I watned to model using the website. I want to prepare clip board with field guides and data sheets for GPS, site definition, surface temp, soil temp, and water temp using liquid thermometers and probes.

I found myself mousing over Teaching & Learning and then clicking on GLOBE Teacher's Guide over and over and over again! Once you enter one investigation area there isn't a link back to the front of the teacher's guide.

Add breadcrumb links to the Teacher's guide section of the website.

I'd also personally prefer the data sheets and field guides to be paired side by side on the same page rather than have to click onto multiple pages. Like this:

GPS Protocol Field Guide...........................................GPS Protocol Data Sheet
GPS Off-set Protocol Field Guide................................GPS Off-set Protocol Data Sheet

(note: the forum tool removed repeat spaces between words, so I had to add the .... in order to show two ordered lists in columns)


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