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Community Support Team Closes for the Holidays
The Community Support Team (CST) will close for service Thursday, 25 December as well as Thursday, 1st of January in recognition of the holidays.  >>

First Week of the Surface Temperature Field Campaign
Dr. Kevin Czajkowski summarizes findings from the first week of the GLOBE Surface Temperature Field Campaign, which runs until the end of December.  >>

Dr. Barry Rock to receive Youth Environmental Science Medal
Dr. Barrett Rock has been selected as the first recipient of the Youth Environmental Science Medal by the Youth Learning as Citizen Environmental Scientists (YLACES) Foundation.  >>

Motivate and Attract Students to Science - Conference
Motivate and Attract Students to Science (MASS) Project is operated under the platform of the GLOBE Program in 8 European countries. We invite you to join the Open Conference in NEMO Science Center in Amsterdam, November 25th-27th, the first public event of the project that brings together experts in the field of education, teaching, training, and applied science from European countries.  >>

Announcing the GLOBE Surface Temperature Field Campaign
The GLOBE Program will host the annual surface temperature field campaign from December 1 to December 31, 2014.  >>

Request for Proposals for Operation of the GLOBE NENA Region Coordination Office
UCAR is requesting proposals for the operation of the GLOBE Region Coordination Office (RCO) for the Near East and North Africa (NENA) Region.  >>

Youth Learning as Citizen Environmental Scientists (YLACES)
Through recognition and financial reward programs, Youth Learning as Citizen Environmental Scientists assists and rewards the implementation of inquiry-based, experiential science education where students do science and contribute to understanding of our environment. Grants range from support for taking simple measurements to teacher professional development and working for pervasive inclusion of student research projects in science teaching.  >>

GLOBE Distinguished Educator Fellowship
GLOBE invites applications for the new Distinguished Educator Fellowship. Use your expertise to develop new educational resources that can benefit the whole community.  >>

Stručni skup GLOBE voditelja
Od 9. do 11. listopada 2014. održan je stručni skup državne razine za osposobljavanje i usavršavanje GLOBE voditelja. U početnom su dijelu skupa iskusniji GLOBE voditelji novim sudionicima predstavili Program GLOBE i raspravljalo se o mogućnostima suradnje i međusobne potpore u okviru međužupanijskih stručnih vijeća. Početni tečaj završilo je 30 učitelja i nastavnika, koji su svi prošli osnovni trening o istraživanju pokrova, s terenskim radom, a sukladno vlastitim interesima opredijelili su se za rad u grupama koje su obrađivale protokole za istraživanje vode ili atmosferske protokole, s praktičnim radom i unosom podataka. Iskusni GLOBE voditelji, oni koji su završili početno osposobljavanje radili su na modelu istrživačkog učenja uz primjenu protokola za istraživanje tla, na korištenju bioindikatora kvalitete voda, na problemu razvoja istraživačkih projekata  >>

Earth Science Week 12 -18 October 2014
This Earth Science Week, join NASA on a special mission to explore Earth's connected systems, contribute to citizen science, participate in educator webinars and engage with NASA Earth scientists.  >>