
THE ENSO Phase III Community

Welcome to Phase III of the ENSO Student Research Campaign: "Water in Our Environment". You can share ideas, upload documents and post questions.

If you join this Community as a member, you will receive an email from other members who post to the forum, and your posts will be sent to everyone, so join us and start posting!

The group that was involved in the Global Water Quality Collaboration (GWQCG) will now be conducting their study on the GENESIS thread under the ENSO III Project. Please follow the link if you are interested in joining, participating or interested in following their work.

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Resources to teach about Water in Your Environment

Dorian Wood Janney, modified 6 Years ago.
Padawan Posts: 46 Join Date: 7/13/12 Recent Posts
Here are some resources that were suggested to be used when teaching students about water in your environment during our first webinar:

  • Water circle, water quality from collecting garbage from beach near school
  • Using mainly GLOBE protocols, satellite partnerships
  • Procedure to measure phosphates in water
  • Chesapeake Bay Foundation
  • Expedition Chesapeake
  • Project WET
  • Studied the water in the acequia (traditional irrigation ditch) that runs through campus- checking pH and turbidity, also studied with more protocols the water below Abiquiu Dam in NM
  • Monitor lake sturgeon and salmon tanks using a basic testing kit, importance of clean water while raising fish
  • Trout in the Classroom
  • Alliance for the Great Lakes- Adopt a Beach
Do you have any resources you would add to this list?

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